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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Does anyone have close-ups of what Pelt's game marbles looked like? Yeah, yeah, yeah, just game marbles. LOL. But still, anyone? Were they ever opalescent? Thanks.
  2. I might already have posted this somewhere. Not sure. Anyway, it strikes me as a nice lot for study. It was on ebay. I believe it came from a Master box. One of those with the holes you can see the mibs through. I think it said Master Marble, as opposed to Master Glass. (I'll try to get it uploaded.) (click to enlarge)
  3. Thanks Felicia. I think I sent my query to the first email address on that page. Oh my, I thought I had tried the toll-free number on that page, but I guess not. Just tried it now and got an answer. I took Mr. Charlie Hall away from a job and he had to get back. But here's some of what I learned in the few minutes we spoke: They do not make their own marbles, per se. They "remanufacture" them, doing whatever it takes to imprint them. With logos. Like Felix the Cat and Betty Boop. Oh no, I didn't ask if they were responsible for the Bennett comics reproductions. Someone will have to ask. If you want imprinted marbles, these are the people. They don't make as much now as they used to because demand for logo marbles fell about five years ago, and because so many other people have done the imprinting without license. :-( . . Lucky Dog gets licenses when needed before they make their marbles. In addition to the imprinted marbles they keep something between 25 to 50 million marbles in stock at any one time. They have Marble Kings for the brain teaser games and I think for Chinese Checkers replacement sets. They use 1" Vacors for the logo marbles. I think they might have used Marble King in the past, but I'm not sure. Mr. Hall was called back to his production line while he was explaining. In the logo marbles they don't run individual ones or little lots. You need to need 1300 to make it worth the set up. BUT if you do happen to want smaller numbers you might like to give them a call. They do have some stock on hand, from overruns from past jobs. (e.g., Coca Cola marbles, I think he mentioned, and it might be interesting to learn what all else ....) Mr. Hall has been around a long time and seems to know a lot of people in the marble industry. It was a fascinating phone call, and I get the feeling he'd welcome emails. He apologized for not writing back -- was out of state -- but he said if I had any more questions either write or call. I need to remember to send a thank you note. :-)
  4. While I was pulling up the pic of the onyx for the other thread, I enjoyed these spirals some more. Thought I'd take the excuse to post them again. Check out the wisp of white in the base on the darker green ones. I didn't notice that until now.
  5. Here are a few. (uh, not mine, in case I needed to add that!)
  6. Bump for Bo. Least I can do after being a wise ... acre. Sue? Edna? Alan? Who else might know?
  7. Just that they might have been made in Michigan in 1995 or before. There might still be Lucky Dog branded marbles but I haven't seen anything about where they might have been made after 1995. I found an email address for the person who seems to own the Lucky Dog brand. I wrote a short note. I didn't get a response though.
  8. Anyone know about those? Have any?
  9. Bump. Gettin' close to time for the countdown.
  10. wow. <-- understatement. wow wow wow
  11. After 2002 Business continued after marble production stopped. Examples of post-marble products include:
  12. "First Run" and "Second Run" Pelts - 2002 Related threads: First Run Pelts Pelts, 1st & 2nd runs Update: the newest thread to date. Super interesting company history. Peltier First And Second Runs? This is new to me Answers the question of when marble production stopped. 2002 seems to be it.
  13. 1988 - The Nova Family Here's a pretty powerful thread summarizing info about Rootbeer Floats, Novas, and other members of the extended Nova family: So Whats The Scoop On Peltier Rootbeer Floats, were they only made in a limited size? Worth separate mention: Rootbeer float experimental lot Galen posted at LOM
  14. It seems to be so ... that Albright distributed CAC's. I'm still not clear on how, when and why. and, yeah, no 'w' on Rainbos. Those would be the Pelts in the next item down. Galen said the ad was from 1933. Someone else pegged it as Butler Bros. if I remember correctly. guess I should dbl check. [Edit: I think it was from G. Sommers & Co, of St. Paul] Every time I look at this ad freshly I find something new to me. Check out the reference to '"professional" glass onyx marbles' at the top. With 'snappy colors' in the 'fancy resale' Favorites box. The way "Professional" is used supports Charles' explanation in the Albright / Cac's @ Morphy's thread, i.e., that "Professional" was part of the sales pitch ultimately to impress the kids. 74 cents per dozen boxes, 16 marbles per pox = 192 mibs for 74 cents = about 2.6 mibs per penny wholesale. And in big bulk bag, as opposed to the fancy Favorites box, the 2-color mibs were 5 per penny wholesale. Those could easily be the same mibs I think. That difference in prices could be accounted for by bulk and lack of special packaging. Brian said those were not hand gathered prices, but this is 1933. Christensen was out of business yet Butler Bros. [edit: Sommers & Co.] is still offering Christensen boxes, and saying the contents have 'snappy colors'. So is it possible that was Depression era clearance sale prices for Christensens? Seems like it could go either way, gob fed mibs from the new swirl makers Ravenswood or Alley, yet with the 'Favorites' connection still a possibility of fire sale CAC's. final reflection (for now ;-) ... Onyx doesn't seem to equate to slags here. The ad writer used 'onyx' freely, even "multicolored" onyx over in the Berry Pink / Rosenthal double compartment bag. (click to enlarge)
  15. cool! Dustin is #116 right now. So if the contest ended today, Dustin would have a 1 in 150 chance of winning the $1000 scholarship. So all we gotta do is keep him in the top 150 for his chance. The odds could be worse! And if he ended up in the top 150 of the "most viral" category, he would have a 1 in 150 chance at a $500 scholarship. go Dustin!
  16. A lot of interesting ones. That unknown foreigner is a standout, Paula. Here a shot I took once of some commons with different colors included especially in the hope that the mixture would help me capture the pretty blues. I wanted to trick my camera into not "balancing" the blue right out of it. Asia has done turquoise nicely.
  17. Steph

    Vitro Confettis

    LOL! I'm dying to see one of the big ones ! !!! I hope it does work! Glad Zigafoose seems willing! (but his Dad's story IS STILL awesome even without pix! !!) That group photo in post #11 has been a source of confusion in the past. I'm with David in his concern about bibliographic echo. The photo needs to be addressed clearly, without hedging, or the confusion will be perpetuated. What I think I am hearing is that the only two marbles there which have a chance of being Vitro confettis are the two smaller ones on the right. But a chance doesn't mean a guarantee. The moonie-based one does appear to be a confetti. The clear-based one is in question. What was the range of variation of these? I hope no one takes offense at this being questioned. The known mistakes in the labeling make it clear there have been some assumptions made without provenance. Is there provenance on the small turquoise one? That is my personal question. known Vitros vs. ? (click to enlarge)
  18. That's pretty cool. awesome actually that you make it to all those sites. I was kinda hopin' it was the other way around tho' -- wanted to see the brushed patches coming from akro. :-)
  19. Quick cross reference ... about both Albright and a clay company other than Albright. " Boys' Marbles Made By Girls "
  20. Oh that was me. I made it. Forgot to sign it. If you send it here, I'll fix that and get it back to you sometime in the next 90 yrs. no problem. of course I'll cover the shipping too since it was my bad. :-)
  21. awesome pic! LOL I set it as my homepage to remind me to vote. My old homepage was a news site. This will be much more fun.
  22. Steph

    Vitro Confettis

    whether vacor or chinese or vitro, I'd want to know size. Also I'd definitely want to see them on a white background so that I could have a handle on what the base glass looks like. I also imagine people would like to know how you came by them before they'd want to declare Vitro, since confettis were never released for sale and there are so very few. I suggest this as a matter of straight marble ID protocol, not because I feel I am qualified to decide whether you are holding an ultra rare vitro confetti. Having said that, I'll leave further comments to others.
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