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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. Ok I found this one online. That guy is as sharp as a marble. Lol Well it's at least a clean joke.
  2. Smile if you found a marble for you collection in the last month. Actually this marble reminds me that I really do collect contemporary marbles. Some of them are so nice! Here are a couple more.
  3. Thanks eBay for a 1-9/16 clam and two 13/16" peppermints one is loaded with mica. All mint There was another clam with a big chip, a large swirl with a fracture and a contemporary. I was just bidding on the white base clam with pink bands. So I am pleased.
  4. I was fortunate to win four lots including the giant onion skin, I am very pleased. Absolutely wonderful. The grading was right on!!! I also won the three banded lutz and two 1" swirls. Total keepers!!! Now can we have another auction ASAP.
  5. ok I will take more pictures today and try to upload them tonight and I will see if its true black Randy ps I need to get more marbles soon...........................
  6. going to the airport now, I now its not until next week but I don't want to be late. Randy
  7. In hand they are both great. You are right the black helps.
  8. Well this old truck is loaded up with old hand mades.
  9. Show us your pelts and please tell us which model they are, superman, golden rebel or???? This is an original #2 box the marbles range from 11/16+ to 3/4" All mint and so is the box. Never played with.
  10. Ok so I go to this antique store and ask for marbles. This really old guy with a walker says he has some in the back, he ask if i can I come back in a hour or so. Sounds good I will go grab some lunch. Fast forward,,, I come back to the shop and the old timer does not remember me but he says he has some marbles in the back and wants me to come back later. (Again) So I ask if they are old? Says not really he got them when he was a kid and that was just the other day. LOL (still has a sense of humor) The paint can is full to the top he says, I ask if I could help him look for them? He shouts at me and says they are not lost there in the back room. I ask can i help him get them? He starts shouting again, I am not helpless. I've been running this store for 37 years. Anyways I told him would come back later.
  11. Roll call Who's going to be at the Kokomo marble show.
  12. This one I bought in Vegas and its around 5" in diameter. The little marble next to it is about 1-1/2"
  13. Please post more pictures but not so close up. Thanks Randy Conway
  14. Marbles with birds in them I'd like to get about a dozen of these all together.
  15. J...Please send me the two smaller banded opaques
  16. More marbles The red ribbon lutz is 1" on the nose
  17. We found our boxer alive and well After about 6 weeks She was living on a golf course about 5 miles from our house. Nobody could catch her. They feed her and she ate a few ducks. A guy saw a old poster we posted and he called us. I went there and he told me go way over there and look by the trees on the side of that hill. There she was but she ran away, I had to go back three times before she would come to me.
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