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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. Whoa! Can't even imagine how the glass was twisting into the machine!
  2. I would have thought this was a Marble King. Sometimes I think I'm finally "getting it" and then I start questioning what I thought I knew. What gives it away that this is a Peltier and not an MK? (Sorry, dumb question. Hoping to get smarter. LOL!)
  3. 🥴 😂 I was thinking, "Oh, 'OP' must be some type of marble that I need to learn about!" LOL!
  4. Yes, there are a lot of beautiful Vacors and Jabos. I only wish that I could tell what they all are when I see them. LOL!
  5. Ahh, I keep learning something new everyday! That tater bug has been sitting in a jar for way too long without being appreciated! I just put it out on my shelf. So now I can narrow down my guesses when it comes to "the fold". Thanks again!
  6. Thanks WVRons! Always honored to get your input! You are all my rock stars!
  7. My marble ID'ing skills are so lacking. I'm so thankful that people on this site are so willing to help. Thanks again Cheese!
  8. Wow, thanks for the info Cheese! I was thinking that the tater bug was a small marble, maybe because of its name. Also makes sense that any marble could then have a buttcrack--except maybe an Akro? Nice to find this out being that I just spent too much on a Jabo thinking it was something else. Made my day!
  9. Here are two marbles that have me especially stumped. The first one at .62" looks like an Alley, but that diaper fold is throwing me off. The second at .63" seems to cut in all directions. Thanks again for all of your help!!
  10. My apologies for the influx of posts. I am looking through a batch with a lot of "IDK's" in it. This marble has the style of a Master Sunburst, but there's a peachy tan color that doesn't look familiar as far as the Masters that I have go. Also, the strands seems extra wavy and the base glass looks a little murky. Thus, guessing that it is foreign, maybe an Imperial? The size is .68". Thanks for your help!
  11. Thanks "I'll Have That"! Looking very hopeful. 👍
  12. Thanks Steph! That's all I need, A little hope. Been coming across a lot of Jabos lately. LOL!
  13. This marble is .61" and has a white ribbon and a really dark red base. The weird thing is that the red is translucent, but the light doesn't seem to come through so easily. Maybe the white ribbon is very opaque so when it spreads across the surface, it blocks some of the light. I think it is a rainbo. All input is much appreciated!! Thank you!!
  14. Yes, at least I learned something new; that the odds of a 1" marble being Jabo is great. I'm looking at an old batch of marbles that I got about 5 years ago when I was very, very new to the marble world and knew zero about marbles except for cat eyes and maybe the more common MK rainbows. So all I did was sort them according to condition. There are a few marbles in the bunch that I'm wishing they are something else, but are probably Jabo. But, there are a lot of them that I still consider keepers for my collection.😉
  15. I've come to the conclusion after a bummer purchase today that picking through jars and boxes of marbles is a lot more fun than buying them one at a time. I love seeing all these scores!
  16. That would be nice! Thanks again Steph!
  17. Yes, I agree that it could be Asian because it doesn't have that shine that many Vacors have. Thanks Steph!
  18. Ooops! Sorry Fire 1981 for the reversed numbers!
  19. I was hoping funky vitro, too. But alas, I was thinking it was probably going to end up being Jabo, though I've never personally seen a Jabo that big. So I guess that would be okay. Something that I now have. I guess they don't all have diaper folds all the time. Thanks Fire1891 and Steph!
  20. Just picked a few marbles out of a box at an antique store. Pulled out a few that I thought looked really interesting to me. I'm thinking that this one might be a foreign marble. The seams don't look definitively any particular US maker to me. Looking for input. Thank you!!
  21. Marbleized


    Wondering if this is a Jabo? The size is .61". The base is a transparent bubbly reddish orange that is also the same glass that runs over the opaque white patch. Thank you!
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