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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Superboy IMO, Spiderman can't contain any orange they have to be all red ribbons w/o variance. Not enough yellow to qualify as a Superman IMO, I barely noticed it.
  2. Looks to be in the citrus family but I'm not seeing "Plum" LINK :: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/6786-mostly-pix-peltier/#comment-60770 LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?t=11692 LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?t=5833
  3. Chad G.

    PPP ?

    Not seeing PPP !!
  4. No, just large Alley swirls wish I could help ya out Brad !!
  5. As I have found out, they can come w/ or w/o aventurine, aventurine of course always a plus, excellent mib James, had everything you could ask for in a fizz.
  6. All the big white opaque based swirls look like Alley to me, even the red swirled one in the lower left corner IMO
  7. An old picture of some of my favorite Alley's for this "West Virginia Wednesday"
  8. Yes, a great heart pattern on some of these pelt Rainbo's
  9. These are newer MK Albino Bees, same milky almost (opalescent) type base, some beautiful mibs IMO
  10. You're welcome I was (and still am) amazed @ the sheer number of different mibs they made.
  11. Here's a start for ya Heath, Jabo made a lot of different runs of marbles for years, "good luck" I'm lost. The OP could just as easily be SMM or D.A.S. , my knowledge of any of the three is very limited. LINK :: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anythinggoes43567/jabo-contract-runs-all-types-the-dave-mccullough-e-t1767.html
  12. x2, Jabo here, @Nantucketdink will know a whole lot more.
  13. A new one on me ?? There's a Pelt "Pea Soup (tank)" , "Tomato Soup" hmm !! There used to be one we called a tomato years ago ?? Well will wonders never cease. Found this on the pelt ID site. LINK :: https://www.peltiermarbles.info/rare Here's some pics of the one we used to call a Tomato 20 years ago & I auctioned off as such, even then only kind of a pet name. This one was even posted as such on an obscure Pelt ID website some 12 or 14 years back, of course this one's an NLR
  14. Agree, looks like it to me !! LINK :: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=4
  15. Not a hybrid IMO, just a alot of overlapping (not blended) colors
  16. Chad G.


    Not sure what it is ?? Don't see PPP but ??
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