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Everything posted by William

  1. So this would be considered a 3 color? (White/Yellow/Black) When I first got it, at a glance I actually thought the black was on the surface! In hand it resembled dry paint.
  2. Well I was 1 for 2 🤗 should have paid more attention to the seam instead of the stripes on that Girl scout!
  3. Finders keepers lol, it's in my gal Patricia's cabinet 😪
  4. I think these are both Pelts? Having my doubts a bit...the yellow and green has a little black speck just below the surface...the clear base has 2 very faint white lines characteristic of a pelt. Also that black "line" is a bit unusual. I don't know, their patterns seem Pelt to me?
  5. William


    Yes, nice post, nice photos. I might have a couple and might not have realized it.
  6. Check out this neat little piece! Creative use of a clearie!
  7. And yes, me too...I'm beginning to have an attachment to Pelts! Loving the variety.
  8. I just read the aforementioned post that we both referred to and I didn't see where you mentioned clear glass base as harder to find than others, just that some were harder to find than others. This info is all great and thanks for the added clarification! Makes a guy want to research his clearies 😁
  9. Oh boy, would I like to run across some Pelts like this on a hunt 🤩
  10. A question about slag glass...I saw a beautiful candy dish, an opaque base with tons of different shades of purples and a sprinkling of orange and red. The dome shaped lid is in the likeness of an eagle. Man it was nice. Seller wants around $75 for it. The manufacturer that is listed on the tag is Westmoreland and this particular one was made in 1977. Is there any connection at all between Westmoreland and Akro? Wondering because I know that Westmoreland goes back more than 100 years (I also saw a candy dish, opaque amber with a lion on top) marked at around $100. It's tag says 1898. Thought I would ask too see if anyone has any knowledge of a connection.
  11. I posted these in the "score" but thought I would share them here also. Ric mentioned that the clear based Rainbos are much more difficult to find, and I was thinking about how much production there might have been with the various clear glass Pelts. A closer look reveals that the lines are so thick in some that they appear almost like the veins you would see in a cat's eye. An oddity? I took 2 pics of 3 different blue ones and and 2 pics of an amber glass with orange lines (the ones that are so thick) I tossed in the other 2, the 7up green and the somewhat clear based with super thin lines just too add extra close ups of these cool marbles. Thanks for looking and for any opinions 😊
  12. Just happened across these that I picked up weeks ago, in a jar mixed with some swirls I "thought" I had sorted 🤣 I'll count them as a score!
  13. My gal Patty's score yesterday...she's been collecting these handmade "villagers" as she calls them for some time. They have been tough to find. Yesterday I couldn't believe it. She scored 8 of them for a total of $33! Her others she paid $30 or more apiece. Check them out...
  14. Yes, his explanations of the production process surrounding marbles is indeed valuable resource...When I first started collecting I always thought the "out of rounds" were just cheaply made moderns. Ron's clarity on that, when he explained it before in a different thread, opened my eyes on these errors so now I always take a second look at them. 😊 Wish I would have had someone like Ron around all those years when I was collecting football cards! I can only imagine all the errors I missed 😳
  15. Scored! No mibs but scooped up these Akro pieces and a slag mini pitcher or creamer? It's not marked so unsure if it's Akro but still nice!
  16. Funday Friday came and went...Stop #1, Harmony, Mn. and the Antique Mall. I struck out there but my gal scored 4 nice vintage fishing lures. Stop #2, 10 miles north of Decorah, IA. and What's New Antiques. I scored some Akro pieces (see Akro product thread in Marble and Glass chat) and my gal nailed a nice vintage muskie lure, wood with glass eyes. Stop #3, Waukon IA. and a place called Rain or Shine Treasure, where I scored a nice piece of slag (also shown in the above mentioned thread). I just missed the marbles by a few days as they sold online too someone in DesMoine IA. All in all a fun day! Finished it off with some authentic Mexican food in Waukon before trekking home. 😊
  17. Recent scores I think from a few weeks ago...the larger mibs are 0.65 to 0.78...plus an assortment of more pelts and swirls....getting dressed now to go back out into the wild 😊
  18. Came across a YouTube video called "Fubeca's Marble Runs" and watched a course involving marbles bearing the flags of various countries...maybe I have a racing marble? Now that would be cool 🤗
  19. I should mention that Wednesday was particularly tough because my gal went to lunch with her mother and sister while I was at work. And guess what she did!!?!??! Went hunting without me!!! Even teased me with texts and images!!! At least she felt bad enough about and when she couldn't find any mibs, gifted me with 4 new pet frogs! 🐸 I suppose I should mention, she suffers too, but she's not a marbleaholic. She's a fishaholic. I'd say she satisfied her craving Wednesday 😬
  20. Here it is, 4am CST. I'm awake. Why? Because a 3 town, 2 state road trip is planned. A trip that doesn't begin for many hours yet. Why? Because I'm still sick. I was treated for being a footballcardaholic. I did get some help for my agatetism, though as its warmed up outside I start having fits every time I'm near any kind of river rock landscaping or rock quarry. But this? Having become a marbleaholic? Man, it's beginning to throttle me worse than Homer Simpson does Bart! I remember once telling Ron in conversation after I first joined here that I didn't really travel that often. Granted I don't go very far but I am starting to feel like a fibber by saying that because it's become almost every week! 🤥 AND I LIKE IT. Funday Friday, Hello there 👋
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