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Everything posted by Akro75

  1. Didn't akro have a #250? box with a bag marked with a "V" as well? I think those mibs in the victory marble box are vitro as you guys have stated.
  2. Love these, the one on right no clue who made it...but I like likeeeee.....
  3. My little Master corner of boxes etc.. The World's fair box absolutely mint, filled with cloudies, clearies, brushed patches. The game set is different from other ones I see, does not have the smaller boxes inside. This box dimensions are smaller.
  4. On the later side but.....some fun Pelts, plus a new one found in my old stash the NLR Cherry Bomb...thanks Chad and Ric for ID.
  5. Very nice. Ok, I'm going to finish up going through the rest of what I have, and let u know asap.
  6. Oh man, so tempting! What color is the base glass?
  7. 3/4".....yeah, that's a great pic! I have a bunch of Pelts that I need to go through and identify, that resource looks good. Thanks!!
  8. I originally thought Pelt, never thought Kokomo, does have that sheen on glass like a kokomo.
  9. Only center mib maybe have oxblood...hard to tell. The other 2 when backlit are transparent
  10. All opalescent, looks like a bit of oxblood glass as well that I would see on vitro, any ideas? I keep going back and forth and going crazy.
  11. I had this in a jar with misc unidentified maker mibs, then I looked at the seam and ribbons and thought it could be something other than a slag. Probably just a slag.
  12. Sometimes I wonder, whichever crew was working just made their own "formula" and screwed around, and they just came up with the names, marketing and packaging after the fact. Not like they are sitting on perishable inventory... and maybe their was never any real rhyme or reason, especially in the early years of production... just a thought. Lol... Would be kinda funny.
  13. Interesting..looking at the pics, I kept a marble that is in bad shape, but I loved the color combination, and have never seen another quite like it till this pic. (The lime green blue one), was completely opaque...I assumed it was Master, it measures just a hair under 3/4"...so I guess I don't have a Bunyan!
  14. Def. Have Pelt vibes on that 1st one.
  15. Their are so many quotes from SNL I want to insert here....😄
  16. I have a box of Alox agates, the tit tat toe 30 ct rarer box, and probably 15 marbles were like that, with thick ribbons in the glass. So, that's my guess. But I'm no WV swirl expert.
  17. Def CAC....if the white glass is inside than a slag..if surface then striped. The bottom one either Master or Akro? IMHO. Great looking marbles. Awesome color on bottom one. I love marble mail.
  18. Looks like a few Alleys and A Pelt
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