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Everything posted by Akro75

  1. I'm from Pittsburgh, been to Green Bay..loved it...but ...Black and Gold all the way..I was one of those kids wrapped in terrible towels when I was born..lol...unfortunately this is the closest I can get to black n gold...black and electric yellow in a mib.
  2. Thanks! They aren't going anywhere... the mibs were my dad's, the box I purchased about 6 months ago.
  3. Some Akros, part of my fathers original collection. Also, a harder to find Akro game marbles box, (interesting instructions in the box) and I love the bit of time capsule history with the kids names on the back. Condition of the box is nowhere near ideal, but it has alot character.
  4. Eww...tricky...colors and cut seem Master to me....but older Akro had similar as well...ugghh...ok Akro.
  5. Akro slag, if true red...can't remember if they did orangeish...
  6. Nice Masters! I love the earth tone colors.
  7. Thanks Chad, I have a hell of a time identifying them because of the sheer volume of types, but these are no brainers!
  8. I've had this mib for years, always thought it was interesting even with a chip. But for the life of me I don't know what to identify as. Any ideas? Thanks!!!
  9. Any ideas. I'm thinking MK, ...the white base has a good amount oxblood, the blackish one has a cool opaque white oval patch..both 5/8"
  10. I assume a Shooter group of MKs new or old? ....haven't really sat down and went through MKs very diligently, but these caught my eye.
  11. I absolutely love slags, an under appreciated marble. Those are beautiful. Thanks for sharing
  12. I need to go through my vitros, so many names to them it is going to take me awhile. I seem to be heavy on tri lites and conquerors, but maybe if I keep looking I'll find one like above!
  13. Hard to say, I'm thinking not American, but I'm probably off...great pics as well. Neat mib.
  14. Thuringen Thursday Big umms... 2.5", 2-1/4", and last two 2".
  15. Akro75

    3 for ID

    Euro slag #1, Transparent swirl #2, maker ?, and I'm thinking euro slag for #3, if their is glass in the inside as well.
  16. Thought I'd throw in a pic or four to start the CAC thread..
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