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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Yes, I know, this is a “Jobber box”. Our old friend Ron said green or blue boxes for Ravenswood; I wish that he were here to see these. A cutout is included in this Red one from the box itself---not too common to find imho. The marbles are all 5/8” or smaller. The biggest one is the blue and white at 5/8”. Tell me what you think---- two different views of the marbles and one comparing them to the blue and green boxes. Thanks and --- Marble—On!!
  2. I am still on the Vacor train with these---- All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. These are nice ones! Marble--On!!
  3. Vacor "USA" imho. All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. Marble--On!!
  4. These appear to me to be a version of some type of Vacor. The size always matters. They appear to be around 5/8". I appreciate all opinions and look forward to them. Marble--On!!
  5. Good eye Fire---- Vacor "Picasso". Nice marble!! Marble--On!!
  6. The OP is confusing, Are there two marbles or four? The second image shows a Vitro at the top imho. The rest have me "Thinking" Akro as well Steph. Marble--On!! Agreed Carowill--no MK present imho. Marble--On!!
  7. Welcome ---- my newly addicted collector friend. Marble--On!!
  8. Many Happy Returns Chad. Marble--on!!
  9. You may have a Jabo there---no CAC imho. I appreciate all opinions . Marble--On!!
  10. Vacor once again--no name though that I can find. Marble--On!!
  11. Vacor---"Bear"?? Marble--On!!
  12. I believe that you are thinking of Veiligglas. Yours appears to be a Vacor of some sort. Marble—On!!
  13. Vacor "Bear" ??? Marble--On!!
  14. I think Mexico---Vacor ,“Neptune” or “Sting Ray”. Nice looker! Marble—On!!
  15. Vacor "Thunder Bolt" maybe. Marble--On!!
  16. Vacor "Sun" X2--nice one! Marble--On!!
  17. "Mermaid" X2--- that is a pretty marble! Marble--On!!
  18. Vacor x2--"Octupus DC" maybe ? Marble--On!!
  19. Nice Marble! I would sort it as an Akro. All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. Marble--On!!
  20. Yep!!! The akroorka picked this one up and said---Chinese---oops, double check—lol. It did come with a bunch of contemps----you never know until you check them---closely. As always---- Marble—on!!
  21. Tomorrow will be 45 years that my wife has put up with me. I hope that I remember in the morning tomorrow. This is a great trio of Akro that I recently found on E-bay. Two short of a row---I will continue the search, ------ She will too, of that I am sure---Do your best and of course---- Marble—On!!
  22. Very Exotic Fire!!! Nice images as well!!! I really do appreciate all opinions----Really I do--- Marble--on!!
  23. Great one Fire! I do not see the green--so "Rebel" is a chance. Any Pelt peewee is a bonus--- Marble--On!!
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