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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. That is a very nice contemporary imho. The colors just rock--on and on!! Marble--On!!
  2. Is there actually purple in this marble or is it the lighting? Regardless--I would call it a slag. Just a KILLER!! Maybe a contemp??? Marble--On!!
  3. This is a very nice Master "Sunburst". Akro "Sparklers" have a clear base. Thanks for sharing it! Marble--On!!
  4. I used to carry a pocket Marble, I am retired now so marbles are never too far from me. I used to carry this one into work--it helped to ground me when the stress was moving in strong. It is stiil on my desk front and center--I look at it every day. It was intended to be a marble like the second image--it took many years for me to bring a round one home. Bonus points--lol---I will always go for the bonus points! Marble--On!!
  5. Large, dug, mint, Akro solids--Game marbles?? I do not know--just cool. About one inch as I recall--- Marble--On!!
  6. I do not watch chickens--LOL. Lady Gaga rules!!
  7. I grew a two pound potato--- I love Lady Gaga--- Chickens are fun to watch--
  8. OK this was a tuff one to follow I will admit--an Akro Lemon drop---try these on for size-- Marble--on!!
  9. Here are two that I found today while assessing a friends marbles. I do not find many groups for my assessment with ¼ of them being Akro— very nice ones included. These however caught my eye the most. One is 29/32” and the other is 13/16”. This is quite a difference really. I would usually call these one inch and ¾; but they do not add up so I give you the true size. They are both Pelt Rainbos. Both are the same—the same—the same-----the same--- very much the same—what more can I say. A nice crystal clear base with green and white added. Just a heads up-I have never seen anything like this before—very nice! I wish that I could give a better image. These are just KILLER!!!—just not mine----just a friend of them---like your neighbors dog. If she asks for an offer I will give it otherwise—just a friend being a friend. This is the way---This should be the way for all of us. (At least I got to pet them) Marble—On!!
  10. I think that the left one is an Alley Agate----nice one! Very Nice!! Marble--On!!
  11. Stable it seems to me-- Thanks Bumblebee---- Marble--On!!
  12. Welcome Janice--keep them coming!!! Marble--On!!
  13. Yikes--What a group! They sure do match up color wise. Nice images for sure. Most of them are Vitro imho. Marble--On!!
  14. This one is a Pelt--nice marble---nice bubble too--- Marble--On !!
  15. Good call Chad---I agree. Nice marbles and nice images--- Marble--On!!!
  16. Well @Ric will tell the tale on this one. He is the go to on Vitros imho---This one looks like a Parakeet ( a smaller version of a Vitro Parrott).They were all Parrots according to our old friend Ron-S---rest in peace Ron!! I think that you have the rest right. Regardless---this is a nice one!!! Marble--On!!
  17. The bottom hand picture--the one by your ring--more images are needed. Marble--On!!
  18. Not a Pelt--a WVS of some sort would be my opinion. Marble--On!!
  19. I agree with Chad. Marble--On!!
  20. #3 is an odd one. It appears to be a overstuffed cateye--- Nice marble--just for kicks show a few more images. Marble--On!!
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