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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. "Varient" works for me Cheese--still a nice one--thanks! Marble--On!!
  2. This is what we all like. Nice marble! Marble--On!!
  3. Nice images Fire---many Jacksons have a glow to them! Marble--On!!
  4. Nor have I. I agree with Ric on the second one. I lean towards Vitro on the first. I appreciate all opinions--this is just mine. Marble--On!!
  5. This is a nice one--not too high on the scale of hybrids--but very high in the scale of coverage. I am jealous for sure!! Nice marble!! Marbleā€”On!!
  6. X2--nice find! (they do come bigger) Marble--On!!
  7. You did find the right placeā€”thanks for showing up and askingā€”keep the posts coming! We have been down this road before. These are not collectable. There have been many speculations as to the origin of the so called ā€œtrain track marblesā€. The most common explanation is that they were intended to go to a factory that produced ā€œfiberglassā€. There were many marbles---millions upon millions that were made for the explicit use of manufacturing in a variety of ways from polishing steel--etc from foundries to to use in the manufacture of fiberglass. The tinkle that you hear when you shake a can of spray paint is a good example. Marbleā€”On my friend and keep coming back.
  8. I have a bent little finger on my left hand from an old high school football injury that hurts when I see an Akro that glows. Marble--On!!
  9. The left one throws me off a bitā€”at that size and with the green tintā€”Vacorā€”I do not know what model or name. It just strikes me as a Vacor. The right hand one is in a different class. Nice bright white glass is involved with this oneā€”perhaps batch glassā€”or made from a recipe vs cullet glass. CAC? Perhapsā€”Akroā€”maybe? The slag is not a Vacor imho. Nice marble!! More opinions are needed here and they are always welcomed. Marbleā€”On!!
  10. The amount of stripes and the base color will determine the name--usually with Pelts. Yours is a nice "Rainbo"--not a MCR (Multi colored rainbo) or a MCS (Multi colored swirl). This may seem like nit picking but "nits" rule in the marble world. You can search google and find many like yours with the name that you desire--just not facts. Nice marble non-the-less! Marble--On!!
  11. This is a nice "patch". This one looks like it is in the sunlight to me--great images! That little bit-of-white in the first image makes me think Akro. This one may glow under UV light--try it. Nice marble!! Marble--On!!
  12. We are lucky that you have found us--keep them coming! Marble--On!!
  13. I would be too!!! Nice wait on what may have been a disaster. Marbleā€”On!!
  14. The condition is poor---no value here. Just mho--- Marble--On!!
  15. I looked very hard at this one--- I looked very hard at this one--- I looked very hard at this one--- This is a Vitro imho Marble--On!!
  16. Hand buffed is a great term here. It is a nice marble with little work applied to the original finish. Marbleā€”On!!
  17. I would have to see some more images of the one on the left. It may be an Akro "Lemon drop". These are not too common and they do glow orange under UV---the size is right on. The one one the right is a common WVS imho. Marble--On!!
  18. #9 may be an Akro (does it glow?)--the rest are more than likely Vitro. Marble--On!!
  19. Nice images and an amazing looking marble as well. I am ready to call it a corkscrew--a nice and rare one. Of course---- I appreciate all opinions and hope to see them all. Marble--On!!
  20. Jabo imho--good call Ric This is the second someone--it just is what it is. Marble--On!!
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