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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Not too shabby imho---great stuff!! Marble-On!!
  2. akroorka


    I am thinking Akro here-- Marble--On!!
  3. I am on board--nice looking marble!! Marble--On!!
  4. This is a nice "Rainbo" imho. I like the term" fancy". It is a nice one. I appreciate all opinions. Marble—On!!
  5. I think it is a Pelt Fire. More opinions are needed. Nice marble--does it glow--size? Marble--On!!
  6. The one on the left may be a hard one to ID because of the way that it was made-- WVS imho. The next one looks like a Vitro Conqueror. The next one---it may be a Pelt Rainbo—maybe—it is kinda funky. The right hand one is more than likely an Alley Agate. All opinions are welcomed and needed. Marble—On!!
  7. akroorka


    MKx3. Marble--On!!
  8. Nice Master! Marble--On!
  9. Thanks all. It was sold as an Akro but I did not purchase it as such😁. I agree with everyone on this one. It is a cool marble. Marble--On!
  10. Yes- Master Glass made the very worst looking cats in the world ever---imho😁. I still like them--why do I have any? Marble--On!!
  11. Doing an Art? It does not get much better--LOL "Sweet Pea" makes sense--that was Popeyes little dude--who knows where he came from?? Marble--On!!
  12. Here is a fun one that measures at 15/16”(with a caliper Ric-). I know what it was sold as---doubt-full me-. All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. Marble-On!!
  13. You may have one there--the bottom left is a MK imho, the bottom right looks crappy enough to be a Master Glass cat Please do not take off and run with the "Potato Chips" mention. Like @wvrons says, one mention of a name on the interweb and a name takes off. Master Glass cateyes are some of the worst ever made by anyone in the entire world--I like an underdog but none of them deserve a name or any notoriety. They are collected by me because they are the worst--but I like them just the same--kindof like a beat up "german handmade"--they all deserve a place. Marble--On!!
  14. Great images! I suck at WVS ID's but here goes--Alley Agate-imho All opinions are needed here--thanks-- Marble--On!!
  15. Thanks cheese-great reply and images as well. Marvle--On!!
  16. OK--so 5/8"? Nice Master "Sunburst" imho. I appreciate all opinions and will learn from them all. Marble-On!!
  17. Yep! Size always matters. That is a nice looking marble. Marble--On!!
  18. They are great looking marbles--enough said. Marble--On!!
  19. For sure, they are not all Pelts, Akro, CAC's or others. Collect what catches your eye--I do-- Marble--On!!
  20. Nice marble! No clue on location made however. Marble--On!!
  21. I can see the AV and I can see what you are thinking as well. Jabo contracts were not all at 3/4" but I am guessing that this is the size of this marble--maybe a bit smaller. Not all Jabo cotracts were swirls either, some were very nice "patches". I think that you have one here. Marble--On!!
  22. Ooooh--nice one! Marble--On!!
  23. This one may be a Vacor cat. The Vacors come in a multitude of color combos. It does not look like an asian made to me. Nice marble! Marble--On!!
  24. It is a pee-wee, it is a Pelt. Peewees act different just like the larger/really big ones do. If it were mine--I would have a hard time not calling it a "Rebel" peewee. Nice marble regardless--- I appreciate all opinions. Marble--on!!
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