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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. I know when I see an electric yellow CAC Slag---- it is enough for me. The rest of the slags are all great,but the electric yellow CAC just blows my mind. A thousand of them would not be enough, the best slag ever made IMHO. Marble--On!!
  2. A Slag vs a swirl will always be a good conversation for any marble post. I will stick with WVswirl here. What maker--??? I am far from an expert on WVS ID (it might be a Champion)—I just know them when I see them. Any and all opinions are more than welcomed and always needed. Marble—On!!
  3. This is my Sundays’ best, three nice ones from across the ocean. 1- 3/8”, this person knew what it took to make some great Sulphide marbles. Too bad that he/she was flooded out. Marble—On!!
  4. Nice marbles Mojo! Marble--On!!
  5. akroorka

    2 for ID

    The yellow and white with mossy base is an Akro imho. Either a corkscrew that did not cork or a patch that did not patch. I was going to post a few for comparison but the ones that I have like this all have an “aide” base that really glows. The green one is just killer and deserves a BUMP! Marble—On!!
  6. I just did this to give you a heads up Ron. I do not know how to do the @wvrons thing like Chad does once in awhile. Marble--On!!
  7. I agree, all of them are swirls. Marble--On!!
  8. I would say WVS. The last image shows what may be some opalescence coming out of the bottom. That is always a bonus for me. Marble—On!!
  9. This one looks like a Jabo to me. The size kind of says it as well. The big Jabos of this era will show little white hits/bruises on a very glossy finish, and they will commonly glow orange under UV light. All opinions are more than welcomed. Nice marble! Marble--On!!
  10. There are no orange Flinties in my experience. Under UV light Flinties just lay there wondering what you are doing. Flinties are opalescent so white light is the way to ID them Brown (light reddish orange), Green, Blue, Red, White and Yellow are the colors that you may find. The brown ones seem to be the most common. White and yellow are a hard find for me. Yours look yellow to me. Shine a penlight through them. If the light does not penetrate, they are not Flinties. If the light does penetrate it should show through the marble as a reddish orange instead of white. Marble—On!!
  11. Nice marble, those UV slags take the glow to a new level. Marble--On!!
  12. This one might be a WVS--the color seems off for a more run of the mill slag green. Marble--On!!
  13. I had to do some searching. The closest that I could find was Gazelle. The website claims that these have a light pink base with an iridescent finish. The archives part of the site shows one that does not appear to have an iridescent finis but the base is more of a cream color. I agree that it sure looks like a Vacor though. They made lots of runs on lots of different marbles so the end product had to change from time to time. Marble—On!!
  14. Hmmm, Ron knows his Davis marbles---show some more of this one Dano. Marble--On!!
  15. Well it is a nice well filled WVS for sure--Maker.(maybe Champion just because of the fractures) Marble--On!!
  16. I took another look and I will stick with Akro. As always all opinions are appreciated and welcomed/needed. Still a nice slag regardless. Marble--On!!
  17. Still Akro imho(does it get any better?)--another nice one. Marble--On!!
  18. Nice one! I would call it an Akro. Marble--On!!
  19. There is some nice yolk in this one and besides that you can only ever see one side at a time. It might not be a cold roll mark but it sure could be a result of cold rollers and a very early part of a run. The marble just did not come together like it should have but the best side shines. Nice marble! Marble--On!!
  20. That was a great ID Dano--keep it going. Marble--On!!
  21. I would sort it as an Akro--Nice one. More opinions are always welcomed and needed. Marble--On!!
  22. I am just judging by the blue light from the penlight and I will admit that I may be wrong here. Still, it is a nice Pelt marble and when you look back at the previous images it all of a sudden looks green instead of black—my bad. Marble—On!!
  23. OK Lumbo, If you post any marbles under UV light---remember to say so. The more natural light is of course sunlight. White light is the best if it is too cloudy. The masses will not realize as much as the more experienced will. Ron called it on a previous post of game marbles by Dano3---great job Ron. This is a group of folks that will go from 40-50 years experience to under one month. You have to cut all of us a break in your images and tell us the lighting that you used. Your last images appear to have a UV influence to me.--Great images by the way. I will still call it a Peltier and the light that you show has some UV influence IMHO. Do not get me wrong, Pelt made marbles like this with a greenish base like you show. Nice find regardless. Try to get another penlight, yours is giving the wrong impression imho. Marble—On!!
  24. Nice find, I would sort it as a Pelt Zebra--more images needed for sure. Crop them and get up close with good light--maybe some AV in this one. Marble--On!!
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