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Everything posted by Alan

  1. What does a water wheel have to do with a glass furnace?
  2. Go in a Rock & Mineral gift shop and watch the parade of people that come in looking for various crystals to heal specific ailments, disease and pains. Its not just one or two people.
  3. The brown base Emerald green Ravenswood is a different type from the light brown, light green Ravenswood.
  4. On the subject of "insides" - here is a photo of a broken Akro milky oxblood - exterior and interior. Sorry the focus is off:
  5. Mike Cosentino used to make cases like that and sell them at shows. I still have a few (I think they are empty now).
  6. Those aren't jumping out at me as MK. The one on the right looks a bit Pelt-ish.
  7. I think you're onto something!
  8. I remember when red micas and Sulphides were The Hotness - and few people wanted machine mades.
  9. The bag clip is almost as interesting.... as it suggests a modern production.
  10. You might ask Patricia. I assume that is who you bought it from?
  11. My opinion as a long-term handmade collector and as a person who has cane-cut experience in the studio: Attributing the colors simply to "it was made later" is a conclusion with no real supporting evidence. A marble of that size is not "hard to handle". Its not a marble until it is completely jacked/necked-down and shaped in the cup. Until then - its just part of a cane - which is easily and completely controlled because it is part of the punty. Once one has the experience of properly managing the heat in the cane and motion - its simple. And once it is necked-down enough to be rounded in the cup - there is no need for a metal tool to touch anything but the neck (which ultimately becomes a pontil). At the right temperature - the (usually) cherry wood cup (actually steam) will smooth imperfections - almost always imparting it's own unique style of very slight surface texture. When odd things start showing up in handmades - its good to pause and wonder why. When multiple odd things are seen in one piece - its good to ask why there are a number of odd things going on that are normally not seen in vintage handmades. Those who have handled "not right" handmades for years have learned to trust our eyes, experience and instincts.
  12. I would prefer not to say in open forum.
  13. It has been for sale for a long, long time. My opinion is that it is not right.
  14. Looks like it has already been well-sorted.
  15. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/16738-alan-basinet-honored-by-the-american-marble-hall-of-fame/?tab=comments#comment-143733
  16. Thank you for that exhaustive word definition research - and for taking the time to quote direction from the Merriam Webster dictionary. Not to mention the analysis and statistical work that went into it. Sorry that I touched whatever raw nerve is embedded in there somewhere that spawned such a Wall-of_Text response.
  17. Someone help me with how this is "rare"? Chris Robinson can fire-up the torch and crank out as many as you want.
  18. I believe that the Guinea buyer overpaid by $376.00.
  19. "Naked" is a term used in handmades for some time. I've never heard it used to refer to a machine made. I think the term you are looking for is "anemic" - which is used to describe machine mades that didn't receive enough colored glass. Usually those were discarded.
  20. It is a naked core because there are no outer bands. A nice, unusual piece.
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