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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. The Rainbow Reds bag shown above is one of several that they did. Here are pics of some others. Gerald Witcher has been working on a book for some time and hopefully he can get it published. He was awaiting Beri Fox's final read-through, etc. before he published. He has all of the bag style, dates and marbles information.
  2. I don't see any yellow in the ribbons so not a Superboy.
  3. Thanks. Any other thoughts?
  4. Another Peltier at 19/32 inch - pretty sure it's an NLR with the wide ribbons. Looks dark in hand but is transparent when backlit. Because of the yellow ribbons, cannot tell if it is "clear" transparent or yellow transparent. I think someone posted something similar not too long ago but cannot find it to determine any name or specific type. Thanks for helping.
  5. Here are pics of a 6 ribbon Peltier (19/32 inch) but it has this translucent yellow between a couple of the ribbons. I have seen the 6 ribbon types with different color ribbons but not with the other color - kind of the beginning of a Citrus, but it is not one. Just wondering if any other name. Thanks for any help.
  6. I am showing two marbles here. First one is 9/16 inch; second one is 41/64 inch. They are translucent. There is blue in each so the Liberty Citrus name does come into play. If not Citrus, what name?
  7. Nice group. Here's my bookcase from a couple years ago - duplicate looking ones are different editions of same books.
  8. Here were game marbles from Vitro Chinese Checkers box so, yes, they can have patterns to them no matter who made.
  9. I think this may be a Peltier Broken Corkscrew. The 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th pics show the 'seam' where the two ribbons "match up" to form the broken corkscrew pattern.
  10. Thanks for the info thus far. Hopefully, more will chime in. It is interesting and that I why I posted these 4 to see the thoughts.
  11. And the first, and only, marble that I bought at my first marble show in 1998 time frame.
  12. With the various colored Zebras and Pandas, do any of these (5/8 on left & rest 21/32) fit either name or are they just Rainbos? Sort of NLR traits pattern-wise and blue has a little wider ribbons so....? Thanks for any help.
  13. Also, true Parrots are considered to be larger although there are marbles with similar colors in smaller size.
  14. Thank you all for the ID information.
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