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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Nice group. I like sulphides also but have not collected them.
  2. Top three yes. Next one ? - looks like maybe a cage style cat's-eyes. Bottom is Vitro cat's-eyes - hybrid.
  3. Top group of pics - Upper left (and probably right) and middle left and right are CAC. Lower left is Peltier NLR Ketchup & Mustard. Top & bottom middle ones are probably Alley. Nice marbles.
  4. Kinda looks like a Peltier Banana cat's-eye look but the base glass does not fit. Maybe foreign.
  5. That was the only response on the other Board and it was not a buy/sell item so.. The Board's name is All About Marbles - fairly active. There are also some Facebook pages that handle buy/sell items.
  6. Some of the "real" agate marbles are very cool.
  7. Here's one of Patry's pics from way back when that is similar but I guess the fact that there is no "space" in between your ribbons may be why it is questionable. But. other than Akro or a different MK, I can't think of another choice.
  8. That post shows a time of 9:28 here on the West Coast - just so it does not confuse anyone looking for it.
  9. Peltier Banana Cat Eyes. This is the back of my bag - similar to Steph's. You can see the vertical seam.
  10. Here is Bird Cage paperweight (was owned by late Clyde Tuller) and Bird Cage marble formerly owned by Landon Daniel. They had them at a West Coast show back in 2008
  11. Bottom two in first group, I'd say Jabo. 2nd group - 10 & 2 o'clock, I'd say Alley.
  12. Top group I would be leaning Champion.
  13. There are a lot of Facebook pages for marble collectors - specific company pages (hosted by collectors, not the company), ID pages, auction pages, etc. Pretty active and can take time to view everything.
  14. If you are on Facebook, I have a "page" called Marble Bags and Boxes and there are albums of various makers with pics of the bags (and boxes) that I have. I have not uploaded all my pics yet - did the smaller companies and some like advertising bags. Still lots to add if I get the time. Here is a link - https://www.facebook.com/marblebags/photos/?tab=album&ref=
  15. Thanks Steph. The information is all guesswork as Vacor did not keep any historical information that I could find. I visited there a little over 10 years ago and the lady that gave us the private tour (bosses secretary) did not know of any information about earlier days or older marbles, etc. I use the 80's as a time frame because that is when it appears some Vacor marbles, other than clearies started to show up. Some of this information was from a couple collectors in Mexico and Texas through the various boards over the years. Chad - I was raised in Astoria and Warrenton before going to OSU; then the Navy for a few years and then back to Oregon - primarily in Salem area (now Keizer).
  16. Their first marbles were clay and then plain or rough basic types, like clearies. It wasn't until the 80's that they started making any marbles that we see today. Packaging didn't start until the 90's.
  17. I checked on the other marble board that I frequent and posted your pics - so far, one response is that it is a genuine older China and would be valued in the higher range of those types. He "guessed" $50 to $100. I looked on eBay "sold" category and could not find many but seem to be that price or higher.
  18. You did not mention size. If the China (made in Germany in the late 1800's) is around an inch in diameter, or more, the value is higher. You might search Painted China Marble on eBay advanced and look for sold auctions. That might help with a range.
  19. I would not call them rare but outside of a few "special" runs like the Jabo Lawnchair types, there are not a huge number of metallics out there but still they are not really valuable. Nice ones with the underlying marble also being nice can be $5 on up. Obviously a Peltier Peerless Patch with metallic would be worth more than one like you showed. Again, as with all marbles, condition is paramount.
  20. I think the early ones like that were more show pieces on the mantle or... Does not mean as marble playing became more popular, that the smaller size ones did not become playground toys.
  21. Generally called a metallic. There are collectors that collect this type of marble. This one might be by Champion - they seem to have accidentally made the most - a wrench or beer can or... falls into the glass furnace and melts.
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