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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. I have a few corks listed on Facebook if you had not already seen them. https://www.ebay.com/sch/arasmus/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1
  2. As far as flames, upper left and right don't have 4+ flames on a side and last one is questionable. As for Alley, I am leaning away but not sure if Heaton or Champion or...?
  3. On the bottom row, the blue & red one is a corkscrew. As far as the hybrid term, a lot of corks have more than one color and some of them are "blended" colors or striated. I usually don't see the term hybrid used with corks very often.
  4. Left and bottom look like Trilites. Right almost has a helmet feeling to it. Top looks Peltier but...?
  5. Not mine but pic I saved - nyah, nyah....
  6. Great job on the dig and the marble ID pictures.
  7. Agree with Alley Corals. No Vacors similar to those.
  8. I'd go foreign but not a common one that I have seen before.
  9. 2nd picture makes me think Peltier but it is a little wonky for a Rainbo.
  10. That one in the middle almost reminds me of the Jabo cork - starts but does not finish.
  11. Al Oregon


    Hey, I visited Joe when we were on our South American cruise...........LOL.
  12. Dr. Marbles, I believe, is Jason Jura. From all things I have seen, he appears to be honest - takes returns and refunds money if necessary. Once in a while he may erroneously ID a marble, like we all do, and is good on making it right.
  13. Years ago, especially with the Popeye Patches, they looked similar to Vitros so the name "Vitro Popeye" popped up (pun intended). However, it was determined that these were all Akro, so there is no Vitro Popeye. As for the bottom two, as you noted, Akro really did not make swirls like these. The right one could be CAC but probably is Alley. The left one, the size throws me. I do think Alley, however. All very mice marbles.
  14. Middle looks like Peltier Multicolor Rainbo (MCR). Other two look like Transitionals (not my area as to where from).
  15. Bring that backhoe and dump truck(s) - start filling them up. You could dump them on your land and start a marble digging amusement park for kids (and their parents...).
  16. Yes, nice find. I have not seen anything like this bag nor pictures of it before.
  17. I see no pics here and links shown don't go to any pics
  18. I was thinking Vacor in the bottom group.
  19. I'd go Alley on first group with possibility of CAC on the bottom one. Cat's-eyes are all Vitro Hybrid cat's-eyes except for center one. Bottom pics look foreign except maybe for top one.
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