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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. THe majority, if not all, appear to be Alley.
  2. In the very first picture, the 3rd row down, 3rd & 4th marbles from the left could also be wirepulls. I agree with Steph on the others.
  3. I was so sorry to read about this when I first saw it on Facebook. He did a lot for the marble hobby and the numerous books that he (and your family) published over the years were helpful to all collectors. Prayers to you and your family.
  4. Looks like you will have a lot of fun going through all those!
  5. The blue & red almost has a Peltier Rainbo feel. Maybe another view?
  6. Vitro Blackline All Red on 3rd from left.
  7. Dang, I am sad to read this. Have not checked FB yet this morning. I communicated a lot with Ron over the years. Never had a chance to meet him. Had been following his posts the last couple years on Facebook - very entertaining. Years ago, on the marble boards, he and I had posted pics and named the Vitro Cloudies. Here is a picture he posted back then.
  8. Top is cork. Red & yellow maybe Christensen Agate (CA) if not then Alley. Ctr left - ? as with lower right (not a Pelt). Others WV swirls.
  9. Yes, horsehair oxblood it is called. Also, I believe there are some Heaton that are similar to that (I almost thought Heaton instead of Alley).
  10. All Vitro Blackline All Reds.
  11. Steph's ideas look good with MK on the last one.
  12. When I retied in 1998, a friend said that I needed a hobby. He collected marbles - name is Landon Daniels - many of you might know him from shows over the last 20+ years (he is not online). Anyway, he pulled out a towel, opened his safe, and proceeded to show me and my wife his marbles. This one is x and is worth about $300; this one is y and about $2,000, etc. He warned me about foreign marbles that were similar to older US machine made, like Vacor Serpent vs. Peltier Superman. He mentioned the Sea_Tac marble show that was a month or so later and we went to it - just on show day. We walked around mesmerized by the varieties and ended up buying one marble - a Marble King Bumblebee for $7. That was the beginning.
  13. No name that I am aware of but pretty marble.
  14. OK - mine; 1 - Akro Limeade Cork; 2 - Shooter Oxblood Patch; 3 - Metallic Snakeskin; 4 - Alley Spruce; 5 - MK Blizzard Cat's-eye; 6 - Akro Cork - Orange & Black; 7 - Akro Cork - Red, Yellow & Black; 8 - Alley Flame; 9 - Peltier Pearlized Patch; 10 - Ravenswood I have a lot of favorites but these were ones I had access to pics.
  15. Same here - I take very few individual pics of my marbles - mainly because I primarily collect packaging - I have pics of all those 3500+ bags and boxes.
  16. I was going through some odds 'n ends and came across this postcard in some postal stationery - had not even read it before to see that it was marble related.
  17. And they can calculate the drag coefficient to determine the pattern they want to make.... Cute way to do a Pollock style painting.
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