Two different sizes. Quite a variety of marbles. Even World's Fair and others maybe made custom (Statue of LIberty. etc.) Pics by Ron, Dani, Don M., Patry and others.
It's really too many pics, spread out, in one post for us to ID properly. Maybe 2-3 marbles max for a post. The pultiple pictures of each are great. The first three are probably an Alley swirl, Peltier MCR (Multi Color Rainbo) and Akro corkscrew
Thank you Lou for taking over Alan's Board all those years ago and Steph for keeping it going, too. Thanks also to Jason for the task of keeping it going for the future.
Agree with Steph on the Alox bag. THe Glass Swan bag was probably put together by that shop (or someone they know). Notrhing special but...? The bottom two are probably like the one bag I post here so the reverse of the header can show that they are made in Japan. They are probably 60's, 70's time frame but ? As Steph says, marbles may be cross throu and you don't find many shooter bags like that around.