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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. I kinda agree with Steph on being earlier. By the way, I have never seen the Baby Marbles box before - nice one. I'd like to find one for my collection.
  2. And this style is seen in some of the Rainbow bags.
  3. Al Oregon

    Id help

    Shows up in Imperial packaging.
  4. Al Oregon

    Id help

    Unusual. I am not getting a cat's-eye type vibe on either so it's in the generic transparent swirl variety to me - nice ones though.
  5. It looks like some of the furnace brick inside the marble.
  6. Similar answer to prior two groups. Lower right appears to be two-color wirepull type and other two close to it may be also - little nicer type marbles - maybe worth a few bucks each. By the way, smaller groups of 5 or so with 2-3 different views of each marble would be easier for us to try and identify.
  7. Some are hard to see the patterns but don't see any handmade types right off. Several transparent swirl types.
  8. I do not see any handmade types here unless the lower left two are in the clay category. Most of the others look like a variety of machine made transparent swirls. There is a Peltier Rainbo on bottom row, 2nd from right.
  9. Agree with Akro corks on left and right.
  10. The ones with the brownish/blackish ribbons are Vitro Blackline All Reds.
  11. Tough one - has swirl characteristics but wonder if maybe messed up Peltier with the twisted part (like cold roll) in Pic 1.
  12. Opaque or translucent (transparent)?
  13. Al Oregon

    Id help

    Minreal sphere of some type.
  14. First group is Akro Popeyes. Patches look Akro but maybe a different maker in there on a couple?
  15. It could be some contemporary but unusual that it looks like Master/Akro machine made marble..
  16. Very nice - have not seen anything like that.
  17. Here is an Akro corkscrew pic that shows the beginning, middle and end of the corkscrew pattern.
  18. White one near top left could be spaghetti however, to me, it is more likely a wirepull from Veggiglass (? sp) (Netherlands) like the other three on top and middle bottom. THe blue & white cat;s-eye (2nd from left) is Vitro hybrid cat's-eye. The other 4 to the right of that one in the middle I am not sure about. Bottom right (lind of greenish in clear) looks like a possible Vitro Cage Style Cat's-eye.
  19. So sorry to hear Scott. My prayers to you and your family.
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