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Everything posted by Jeff54

  1. That's a ton of spins for any hand gathered 'transitional' and looks to be flaming. Yet, this seems to be a Horizontal which is rare for any HG. Does it have a fire polished (Melted) pontal too?
  2. A diaper fold is a single seam CAC opaques, striped transparent, Guineas Cobras and Cyclones mainly have 2 seams and occasionally only one seam that is folded. CAC also have swirls and flames. Both similar to this and discernable endings. In Alley's case there are flames that are just like CAC except CAC's typically brighter colors and perhaps a little thicker stream. This marble is more like a CAC vs an Alley yet unusual colors for a CAC. However, In your photo, I'll attach below, You can see the multi colored ribbon began that wraps around and bends inward, at some point bends in the yellow almost like a beak and a tad bit of blue-eye in it. . winds around, looks like it ends but continues to where I can't see as this is very tough to follow and describe. Yet at the start (It may actually may the ending) try to follow it as, this is the wide multi-colored ribbon that is typically different than any other marble and unique to Christensen Agate.
  3. That's really something different for a WVS I'd not expected to see. I have a few black and white CAC's that are discernible for having what appears to be ribbons that are chopped into pieces like this. Mine came with a group of mint killer CAC's found in an old can, sitting in a garage in Cambridge Oh. Yet, CAC didn't make anything in colors like yours. So, that just too cool for West Verginny.
  4. Yeah, no, I also have one like your 1st, I acquired from Mike B., except it's 7/8" and Dark green. Without back lighting, it's Translucent and striated like no Peltier I've ever seen. The cut lines are straight and striated lines are vertical against them. Had I gathered it in the wild would have never guessed by any means, not even the flow of the glass, deduced it to be made by Peltier. Or for that matter, no other marble is made like it. Only for the facts of Mike's expeditions and collection from the plant site I know it's really weird, a Peltier Like no other. It, at first, appears to have a translucent white patch like yours, yet on close exanimation it's the way the surface reflects the translucent green striations, on one pole, makes it seem so. If I back light it, as you have, then it appears just as clear and bubbly, pretty much the same albeit, a forest green verses blue. So, I would suggest, if anybody were to discover this verity that's not dug then, perhaps while you may have not noticed within, try to visualize the glass flow and cut lines I can easily see because there's some translucent in my green, that might have the same pattern it has, but have not realized, might be in the clear colorless and other colors.
  5. Jeff54

    One4 ID

    Yup, actually I was hoping you could dig up something, close but no tomato, at least for a decent rebuttal, . I too have collected and searched for every variable in the Akro line, especially in the dug-ups and so have quite a few 1 of a kinds and or cool for one reason or another yet, nothing like this that I've ever seen 'Patched and striated' by Akro. The only closest to this is a Master, but even Master's, in regards to color or pattern and cut-off, didn't happen like OP's is. Not even an Orange as bright as this is in any Akro, regardless of style. The closest I can get to the brilliance in color on Akro corks is yellow and Royal Blue where a hint of orange blends in making it bright against their other yellows and Marble King Boy Scout that's about the same. Brighter but not orange and zero striation. Although I'd like to; I can't even fudge at 20% as a part of the Crow's nest.
  6. Jeff54

    One4 ID

    I agree "Top shelf" and I do not think it's new as well. However, never seen anything like it by Akro, ever, not in any color. So, if you're so confident then, please to show me any Akro patched and striated like it. Bet U can't do it. 😉
  7. Jeff54

    One4 ID

    There's absolutely nothing Peltier about this, nor do I see any relation to Akro. It's a great orange with striated layers that I would like to call a Master marble however it too good to do that too. This is more of a mystery than anything else. And BTW there's no such thing as a 'Pelletier' marble 😁 It would be a keeper if I had it and would not care if it ever got a proper ID B/C it's to cool. That Orange would jump out in most any group.
  8. Not the smallest Pelt peewee I have but it's the most colorful.
  9. !st looks like a Peltier or If it has patch and ribbons a MK.
  10. Jeff54

    I D

    Old school CAC HG slag, requires a bright opaque white that stands out more than any other. This doesn't look as if it's a Cac any more than others. Rather it looks more like a foreign HG even though there's no pontal. However, many of the dug Akro HG are different than regular because on most slags, the white is translucent, but even that white is a different color tone. And but, maybe it's an Akro too.
  11. When did Peltier Peerless Patch (PPP) become transparent or Translucent? I mean "Peerless" pretty much says it all.
  12. Jeff54

    No idea

    That translucent yellow on the nice dark blue is a stumper fire, to be sure. Pieces of fire brick can happen on any marbles which are usually not intentional. Here's an old an blurred photo of an Akro 'Hero' Chery eye Snowflake. I've never seen another like it.
  13. Neither have parallel ribbons so, it's Vacor for me too. The red and white is lovely though. yet not quite the same shade Peltiers have.
  14. To see the seams, look into it for the way the glass is flowing. Every clearly even if colorless has a flow once you understand it's there, that may lead you to the manufacture's pattern. For sure then, you see the cut of marks. Follow the flow.
  15. The colors and stripes give it away B/C there's bunches of them. However, you may have another surprise as those tiny green spots are probably aventurine.
  16. 3/4" Marble King Cross through ,double ingot orange Cat eye An amazing oddity dug up by Jillien years ago. She didn't see or understand what happened and I grabbed it just B/C it was so different, kind of looked like a Vitro thingy. Only to be surprised how that the veins laid nice, flat and separated, in great condition with no lumps, roller marks . On each pole where joined there almost invisible tiny valleys you can just barely feel. It shouldn't have happened B/C, individually each cat would have been made into a Speare on rollers for 5/8" marbles and yet it made it through virtually perfectly round @ shooter size; 3/4". This photo is about 20 years old and so I pulled the marble out to ensure my description is correct: Happy MK Mondays
  17. 2 green transparent alley flame-y swirls next to the veggies pretending they're Dutch What is in the Big boy bags, hiding behind the old vinyl, like maybe Peltier surprises? Is that a Lightning bolt under it? Veggy Orange and blue and red and blue on white, so hard to find.
  18. Code 522 is a server down, unresponsive. Most typical notice when the site was hacked and attacked. That probably was the 3 new members who were blasting all those airlines spams. Hit the sever with tons of data until it overloads the system. People getting emails or private message notifications was the hack overloading it.
  19. It looks like a Chinese Imperial.
  20. CAC. Here's a pair that defies all. Unlike any Christensen Agate I have seen and yet, there's just no other manufacturer to file these in. Apparently made by the same company and not hand gathered.
  21. Agreed that it looks machine made, but not hand gathered with those angles shown. There's not enough swirl, just two near straight lines that also doubt cane cut as well. I looks more like a bullet mold, yet I doubt that too. I would not let myself get wrestled into ID-ing it without more and better photos. 😁
  22. Opalescent is not necessarily limited to any single glass manufacture. However, I do not recall ever noticing a hint of it in a Master. but it does look like one. Yet again, back lit, it appears to be a nice Opalescent quality where Master has a tendency to be a lower grade and or simi opaque 'mossy' white like Akro's verses, translucent.
  23. When in a glass color that appears black, the crystals of intentional aventurine can be silvery and dependent on the angles it reflects from, may seem to have other bits of colors. Newer Aventurines may only be silverish because of Metallic flakes. Albeit, whenever Glass aventurine was formulated, circa mid 1700's it was metallics. It is believed that Peltier's aventurine was created with chemicals and special annealing techniques. Certain glass artists, such as Mark Mathew, makes his own using chemicals and annealing techniques. either way can be dependent on which base color used or desired; Blue, red green, etc. whereas, you can buy any color that's premixed, to use in glass and ready to go. On the other hand, I have 1 Royal blue Hand Gathered, MFC or Akro slag and in an area of white there's sparkly white crystals in it. Since they never did that, it's coincidence do to an accidental annealing where tiny aventurine like crystals formed. Hence, it's not aventurine but kind of cool just the same. Bonus points on my Blue slag; just on the surface is very thin, almost unnoticeable, Oxblood swirling with the HG pattern. . I do not know, or ever heard of any dark blue slag or hand gathered machine made MFC type Royal Blue slag/swirl with Oxblood. Weird stuff happens.
  24. Oh, I did not realize it's zoomed in as big when clicking the + sign yet I don't like opening a new window to do it. Regardless, that zoom does show signs of having aventurine and potentially enough to sparkle in the sunlight. That blending to white does not bother me as it's blending into the purple which can make the yellow thin and, in the purple, can cause a lighter contrast for it. I see no signs for any Peltier traits at all so, IDK why you'd go down that road Ric except for potential aventurine, I have never seen Peltier's black aventurine color in a purple rather it's a dark brown and or very dark green.. IDK as I rarely bother with Vacor De Mexico but never seen them do aventurine unless, like some greens may do in most any that are purely coincidence for delayed or extended annealing. Typically, if that happens green flakes or crystals are of a green nature. What I don't like, if it was a CAC, is how simple the yellow ribbon is moreover very, as you say Ric, "atypical" and could be any common manufacture. Yet, I do have some Vacor as samples for about 20 years and that yellow does not give me a Vacor vibe. So, unless Ya'll know of Vacor using aventurine purposely like this for black, I am inclined to trust the seller who has potentially considered the options to ID it: I am liking his " I don't know" opinion, B/C it seems honest, and I'd do the same.
  25. Many reasons to have doubt on who made this. First off is; it may be a Christensen Agate (CAC), but they never did aventurine. Then you have a deep purple (black) and yellow. Comparatively, I have black and yellow CAC, but it's a very dark brown (black). yet, I also have some absolutely certain CAC Black and white. The most difficult black and white to ID is CAC as there's plenty made by most all other companies, but a CAC to be certain is quite busy, chopped up pieces or stripes of white and can have flames like no other, including the known CAC spiraling, flaming marbles. They can be the coolest black and white ever, very distinctive. . Yours is not like them except for the dark purple (Black) that appears to be in yours. My CAC black and white that are killers, base is dark purple. so there's that. I also have Black and yellow yet, it's black is a very dark brown like most all black CAC's. I have a black and white Pewee, but it's is very dark brown and not too complicated yet more than yours.. And Black and white road and tunnel striped opaque again, it's is very dark brown. Yours comes close to what one may find as a more simple black and yellow CAC yet for the purple that obviously might have been an optional base of purple yet, I could not certify that idea while all the others with yellow have dark brown for their black. Then there's the point of how poorly it's formed as if it's small for being a reject. My Peewee is virtually perfectly round and smooth. Lastly, for the above reasons, I would not view it as investment quality but only as a sample that may or may not be a CAC. And if it does have aventurine which I do not see in these photos then, just an odd ball too. I mean unless it's loaded with aventurine and sparkles easy without a magnifying glass, however that excludes potential CAC. I like to gather odd samples and occasionally would pick up something like this, but wouldn't give more than 5 bucks for it. Regardless, everybody has their own opinions, you should buy what you like, go with your gut. P.S., sorry, can't show you photos as my camera is not liking me at this time.
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