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The Nickel Guy

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Everything posted by The Nickel Guy

  1. So I think I got this one (first two actually) correct. Peltier Peerless Patches ? Is there oxblood color involved in these ? and ( Looks a lot like Fire1981's avatar species ) Now I know this one is not a patch. I think I recall reading about that little straight line in upper right hand corner view that is am identifier for the maker. Again, oxblood? Thank you all kindly. Going to keep bringing them questions and pics as long as they are welcome.
  2. Sorry for the typo on Akro Akroorka
  3. Thoroughly enjoyed this lesson. Thank you!
  4. I would imagine that the seams or folds on this one is the clue. I don't think it is a super valuable marble but it is in better condition and the whole thing just appears to be so nicely balanced in design. Another typical size marble 3/4 inch or just a tad smaller I guess. I have this one a long time. I just like it but have no idea. Thank you! Just a note, I was thinking that Jabo marbles were made in the late 1990s and forward until recent years. I have purchased a hundred or so in this past year but all my other marbles are in my possession since at least the 1980's. So often I think a lot of marbles get ID-ed as Jabo incorrectly. But any one of you guys and gals know a lot more than me so I am not one to debate.
  5. Awful nice of you to write up such a great reply Steph. Thank you, very informative.
  6. I see that Akrp Sparklers are much more colorful and attractive than my examples. Maybe this is closer?
  7. Here's a couple pretty marbles that I am thinking are maybe Aldo Sparkers or Sunbursts? I am trying to do all I can to learn on my own as much as I am relying on you fine people. These are maybe 3/4 inch in diameter or maybe just shy.
  8. Thanks !!! I wonder if this one would be a Master Marble Co Comet?
  9. I am not sure what to call this one. Larger than 5/8, maybe 3/4 inch. I'm learning quickly that I need to clean off my marbles before taking pictures. What is this pretty marble and who made it? Thanks so much I
  10. Last night I opened one of my display cases and I have two very much similar marbles here that are under a half inch in diameter and another about the same size with a purple/black swirl on white. These are pretty cool, I'd like to know what you think. I have them since the 1980s and I am guessing they are all older than that. Thank you! No1 And it's twin No2
  11. Thank you kindly akroorka! My next venture will be to pick out my favorite marbles and post pictures.
  12. I spent a few days in the hospital. Finally back with the best images I could provide of those two larger white marbles. MARBLE 1 (smaller of the 2) about 3/4 inch Has a black speck in the glass well below surface. Three different lightings but same marble. MARBLE 2 (larger of the 2) about 13/16 inch Three different lightings but same marble. Clearly the best of all those white ones I think.
  13. I like it. Not sure I have a favorite for myself but could pick out a top 50.
  14. 6 swirls 2 slags? I will post better images of the two slags. First 2 larger white in the 8 group.
  15. I think I see 7 in total, an 8th marble is more champagne. I will start a new thread next with the 7 white/clear slags plus the single champagne one soon with quality images ( Or best I can produce ) Soon but not today. Thanks!
  16. I know I saw concrete that had marbles in the mix. Maybe just added on top, I dunno? I was well under 10 yrs old but we had at least two items that I recall seeing those poor marbles stuck in them permanently. Seems I remember seeing others but finding a vintage birdbath or extra large sidewalk planter today would be so neato. Those ( I think ) I remember were a concrete bench with marbles half in and half out was in front of the penny candy store. The other place was a huge barrier to save a corner house from a car if it lost control on a steep hill. It probably wasn't as large as I imagined it now because I could get on it somehow and pretend it was a horse. I would imagine being a cowboy and it worked pretty good. Not that these items were covered in marbles but enough to see them here and there. Have you seen anything like these or do you remember any? Pictures?
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