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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. dug with permission from frank and tim's dig .. lots were found .. bill
  2. usually the price is because of hype surrounding the marble. put a name on it ..... set your price .... and of course, your own personal preferance. i've bit several times .. ... and probably will again. especially if i have a connection to where the marble came from. but ... lol .. not for that $800. .... it would take 2 for that ... bill
  3. off the wall in diversity ... endless .. ... bill
  4. ann .. yes the opals do but also examples with a more clear glass exist also. i have pics in my files, but can't find them. after moving and setting up new puter service .. i lost files, pics, most of storage. when i find my camera's .. ?? , the blush examples also have variations in their make-up also. i'm still finding so many examples from the digs that can be classified as .. sub-family .. patterns. i'm planning on doing a collage of differant named alley's with as many variations as i can find this winter when i finally get settled in. it won't be complete .. but alley's expertise is remarkable with such a color palette he had. my apologies for not having pics for visuals .. and for putting the tag of .. kurly blush .. on a fine alley marble .. ... har .. but i feel a bit more comfortable with .. alley's carnival tho ... bill
  5. looks like opal ladies .... clear and lavender striping ... bill
  6. as ron said on the dew ... a sleeper sitting there waiting to be discovered in your bag ... bill
  7. ......................... .......................
  8. hmmmm ......... thanks ric ....
  9. peltier wolverines and x-mas tree .. pe-wee's .. bill
  10. guessing ... on a rainy day .. from the pic on my screen .. with the lazy s seam and the bubbles .. somewhat ... possibly a .. washed out .. peltier sunset .... bill
  11. grinding will lower value on most .... trying a final polish doesn't remove glass ... just add's luster ... bill
  12. absolutely craig ... need to fix this screen. typical marks left from grinding. bill
  13. is making this look strange ..relisted .. ? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Killer-Akro-Agate-Corkscrew-Emerald-Tiger-Akro-Lovers-Rejoyce-/321825711197?hash=item4aee4ea45d
  14. exactly what roger h. and claudia stood there and said ....... bill
  15. i would probably pay around $25.-50 .. brian... depending on the marbles ... parrots .. av. ... double then .. bill
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