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Everything posted by jten

  1. jten


    Bottom right shrunken core?
  2. I'll go with the bullet molds mentioned by I'llhavethat1
  3. Wind is roaring here gusts hitting 60 MPH with snow
  4. I have a bottle of the blue, yellow white popeyes somewhere don't know if they are by the same artist
  5. Bought them about 10 years ago. 50+ for under twenty bucks. Made by Daniel Ambrose Erie PA. Used a macro lens for the pics. Mibs are smaller than BB"s lost 1 in the carpet
  6. Whats better than finding a bottle of corkscrews I had forgotten while going thru mibs and cleaning up!
  7. Just finished clearing the driveway about 600 feet. Pics from a few years ago. Close to the same amount of snow here now. local kids have been out of school almost 3 weeks
  8. jten

    Help ID 15

    2 and 3 peltier
  9. jten

    Help ID 11

    Akro popeye nice one
  10. Below zero here the dogs were ready for their morning walk but the 2 smaller dogs a border collie and english collie were limping from the cold before they left the yard, the german shepherd thought it was fine. We are just across the lake from you Steph at the top of Michigan
  11. jten

    Id help

    I think Steph was right the first time Akro cork, may be a broken cork
  12. jten

    Id please

    Wet the marble or put some vegetable oil on, it should bring the color and design out. Years ago people were coating damaged marbles with clear epoxy to cover damage and selling them as mint. The epoxy would eventually discolor or fall off
  13. jten

    Doctor Who

    I liked Torchwood a spinoff of Dr. Who
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