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Everything posted by jten

  1. Marble racing now viral videos. One video has over 700,00 views
  2. My wife has been sewing masks every day to send to our daughter who is a nurse.
  3. If you are on Facebook check out the Antique German marbles forum. Some unreal marbles posted there
  4. Thanks. On other sites people charge 100.00+ for marbles over an inch. Leroy did a lot of large marbles,Roany pony did about 100 smaller ones. I would send him a large bag of marbles and tell him to take whatever he wanted for his fee.
  5. I hate it when I am at auctions and people pick up handfuls of marbles and let them rain down into the container. I will tell the auctioneer to put the marbles up front so they won't be damaged if I want to bid on them.
  6. My wife loves telling people she has my marbles insured
  7. Wish I could find someone doing this now. These were done by roanypony. I would save up about 100 mibs and send them to RP and have him pick out what he wanted for his fee and he would send me the rest back completed for no charge
  8. Some of my restored marbles. All were heavily damaged
  9. Swapped a lot of marbles with him. Have about 30 of his creations. He was one of the most generous swappers around John
  10. Have found other metallics these are the first cats copper-silver
  11. Rob there are no dumb questions everyone likes to learn. Some of the marbles could be rejects from the factory or dug up from a dump that had a fire.
  12. 2 metallic cats silver copper bands
  13. always loved the vitro one's and saved them have about 2 gallons of them in a jar
  14. Someone really needs to invent a drool guard for keyboards John
  15. Hi Nick Check out Marble Alans site for marble ID John
  16. I think it is outstanding. Thank you for all of your time that it took to put together John
  17. 2,3,4 look like akro corkscrews 5 Peltier
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