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  1. Hey everyone.Ive listed the sprinkle tool,I used at the ladies first marble run,and gifted to Felicia.This is to give her a helping hand.Please have a look and consider bidding. Thanks,,,Griff http://cgi.ebay.com/Jabo-Marble-Griff-Sprinkle-tool-Felicia-Ladys-First-/300521025599?pt=Marbles&hash=item45f872f03f
  2. Ive been doing my anti snow dance for weeks.Doesnt seem to be working though!
  3. Well,you could have sent them to me,to post the pictures,,,yeah,yeah,,post picture--LOL
  4. Big akro oxblood dig from late 90's,that showed up at new philly? Exotics at the lenox inn? Pictures?
  5. Now its merry christmas,,east coast,,,,,soooooooooo Merry Christmas Everyone!
  7. THANKS EVERYONE!----Didnt get to go fishing,because the ice is thin in pa.But dont worry,my scout,Jeff,in NH.is giving me the updates,daily!Dont tell them fish in Squam lake,Ill be coming soon.Need to do some winter,freezer stocking. Spent the day,relaxing for once.Sorted marbles,off and on,spoiled the kitty's,and just got done,wiping out the Chinese Buffet in Carlisle.6 plate minimum right here ya know? PA fish better look out too/Licensed for PA,thru 2011 now.Thats a realy useful gift right there!Now I just need NH/NY and WV,and Ill be set for next year. Should get the IN license,so I can go empty out Joe's marbles,,oops,,,,,pond! Yeah,that Christmas/birthday thing sucks some times.Ill just tell the ones that do that too me,"Now,half of this pack of underpants,counts toward your birthday,,,in july!---LOL The adventure continues,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I think there a couple bars in town that owe me a complimentery,pork chop,in a can,or too,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  8. Well,Im not first,but Im one of "THEM"!----Happy Birthday Edna!!
  9. Did you say your having a snow cone sale?----LOL Just a dusting,today,south central Pa----not enough to covere the grass,,,,,
  10. Im drawn towards that one in the front center for some reason!---LOL
  11. Yep,"Contract" runs are done. Looks like many have as made issues there.How was the quality?
  12. Im just trying to rescue as many as possible.I feel bad for all the ones,I killed with my slingshot,,,,,,,,,,
  13. I DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!----PSSSSSST,,,,,,,There in the basement of my garage. I might have a few of the classics------How many is in 30,five gallon buckets,anyway?
  14. NO NO NO!!!-------Dont want a discussion,about Obama care. What struck me on that topic,was that She said it was good for her,and the company,,,,and at the very end,for her employees.Ill have to listen to it again. (LISTENED TO IT AGAIN------DIDNT REALY GET THE SAME "FEELING") Im not sure what defanition your useing for manufacturer.-----Jabo is a manufacturer of marbles that is currently making marbles.Thats it for me,as far as defanition. Agreed:No mention of the national tourn.?That would have been the first thing out of my mouth,when it was said about kids not playing marbles. Could have been an "On tv,and nervous moment" for her.I dont know,,,ya know.I would think that would have been a strong discussion point.Gotta remember,it was on tv.Might have been some pre-determined do's and dont's for Berry.
  15. I must have missed a word or something.I swear she said marble king was the last marble factory in the US. Obama's health care reform is good for her?
  16. I wanna put a mini,Austin Powers,in the middle of one of the vortex!
  17. That purser marble is,,,what do I wanna say?--The Bomb,,Wicked cool,,,,something like that! From,the Ladies First Jabo run. I call them,The Harry Detwiler,Bench Top,Variety Pack.My friend and neighbor. Thats what he called it,when he was helping me smash glass,when my shoulder was hurt. Dont know how many colors made it,per marble,but I know,at LEAST 38,and 2 goldstones, were in the mix,,
  18. Im supposed to stop in there,some time,but havent had the chance.Maybe next week,,,,,,,sometime.
  19. Its realy thick hear!---Im too close!,,,,and down wind!YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,,,,, Cliff has been dealing akro for how long now,and he "thinks"they are akro? I wouldnt put it past him,that his brother put them in an auction,trying to make a buck,and cliff bought them,just to cover his "story". He probably wonders why I dont stop in and visit him,anymore,,,,,,,,, Right here is the precise reason,,,,,,,,,
  20. He knows what they are.He knows where he got them. I KNOW WHERE HE GOT THEM. SEND HIM A MESSAGE,,,,,,,,,,pssst,,,tell him I said so. I said it before,and Ill say it again.Dont blame the marbles. Even basic knowledge about pattern,and color should send you away from an akro identification.
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