Hello Howie !!! Glad to see you posting here,you are the future. My grandson started on marble chat boards when he was about 8 years old. He is 16 now and still likes marbles,but now also likes girls. Those were some good pictures you did. Any camera that i might have used when i was 8 years old,was probably a kodak brownie. They would not do good on marbles. When i was 8 years old,all i knew about marbles was playing marble games,trading and shooting them in a sling shot. I even had a good supply of marbles nearby. The Ravenswood Novelty marble factory was near the high school that i attended. Oh,how i wish now,that i had gave that marble factory more attention. Plus have my marbles from those days back again. Maybe i can see you at the Canton Ohio marble show or the West Virginia marble show. ENJOY the marbles,they were meant to be fun and make smiles. Just like yours.
WELCOME,so glad you are here !!!!!!!
Ron S.