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Everything posted by wvrons

  1. As of now,it looks like i will not be going. No rooms avialable,full.
  2. As of now,it looks like i may be able to be there. Maybe i can see these in hand? I hope to leave here wednesday or thursday. Look me up.
  3. I hope to be there,along with the others. It may be a packed house.
  4. Thanks Winnie,keep them coming. Someday we will know who made them,where and when?
  5. Hello Howie !!! Glad to see you posting here,you are the future. My grandson started on marble chat boards when he was about 8 years old. He is 16 now and still likes marbles,but now also likes girls. Those were some good pictures you did. Any camera that i might have used when i was 8 years old,was probably a kodak brownie. They would not do good on marbles. When i was 8 years old,all i knew about marbles was playing marble games,trading and shooting them in a sling shot. I even had a good supply of marbles nearby. The Ravenswood Novelty marble factory was near the high school that i attended. Oh,how i wish now,that i had gave that marble factory more attention. Plus have my marbles from those days back again. Maybe i can see you at the Canton Ohio marble show or the West Virginia marble show. ENJOY the marbles,they were meant to be fun and make smiles. Just like yours. WELCOME,so glad you are here !!!!!!! Ron S.
  6. WELCOME,learning marbles will not be fast or easy. It can be a challenge,but enjoyable and sometimes rewarding. Don't rush,give it time,and stay with it. People here will help in anyway they can. Visit often as you can !
  7. Marlow is around and fine. Still playing marbles,i talked to him a couple weeks ago.
  8. I agree with Winnie. Unmarked reworked marbles has been a problem in the past and likely in the future. It has caused many arguments,cost money and confusion with new and seasoned collectors. It is hard to be sure that none will EVER get misrepresented in the future. Unless they are marked or something unique and identifiable.
  9. Thanks Steve,another good show,and good onion rings! Place the Canton OH show high on your list,winter or summer. Great friends and marbles as a bonus!
  10. Thanks Joe,great job as always. Happy to RePete with that Pete any day. Another nice show and i came away with some quality marbles. But most of all,good times with good friends.
  11. Is the winner and new owner,going to be one of the actual ladies that may have used this during the run ????? Two more days and we may find out.
  12. The picture on page 40 of American Machine Made marbles,shows the Alley marble factory on the south side of the Wissmach Glass present day location.
  13. Only three companies making machine made swirls during those years.
  14. Something has me confused here. I thought the Paden City Alley marble factory was beside and just south of Paden City Wissmach Glass which is a good distance north of present Marble King. Also the picture has the date Alley 1928-1935. Alley was in Sistersville 1931 & maybe 1932. Then he was in Pennsboro 1932-33 until 1939. I thought a newer house now stands where the Paden City Alley marble factory was located. ????????
  15. Good picture hard to find. Not many pictures taken in that time frame or saved,compared to today. Cameras were expensive and a luxury item then. Steve,can you sort out which building was the marble factory? There is five listed on the back,but i am having trouble sorting out which building housed what? I am comparing this to the picture in Americam Machine-Made Marbles page 40. That shows the RR,Wissmach and Alley very good. Was the picture you posted from the library. I think Paden City library also had some good pictures of the button factory,Wissmach and Alley building.
  16. More corals. I am going after my popcorn,this is getting interesting.
  17. That one looks very much like the one Les had listed as CAC. Where are all these coral types in original packaging ?
  18. I understand well Rich,it gets better with time,stay with it. Buddy Chuck,yes i forgot about that one,even after i knew about it and seen it. Now you have to find more of them and document it,one is a start to the hunt. Show me some more when i get there this spring.
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