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Is It Just Me?

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Is it just me or is there a new fad of rock tumbled "Sea Marbles" on the block! I'm just a guessing, but these were probably nice marbles that were too dinged up to sell, so they got tumbled and are now a nice lot of 'unpolished' marbles....anyone have any ideas, or has this already been talked about and I just missed the post? Or is there really that many marbles washing up on the Beach?......wink.gif

posted on Ebay: by onthecoastglass

<H1 class=vi-is1-titleH1>26 LOVELY COLOR SEA BEACH MARBLES</H1>


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Jill, I sea glass hunt a lot! I have found around 15 marbles in about 15 years! I went to the beach early this morning for about 1 1/2 hours. Here is the glass I found and half of a Alley marble. The second picture is all the marbles that I have found from sea glass hunting for 15 years!I have not even cleaned off the sand yet!


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LOL....I love hunting for sea glass. I once found a beautiful piece of French pottery....wish it was those lovely marbles! 15 yrs huh...well, I guess I could cut through the chase and get me a whole handful off ebayhuh.gif ....LOL Thanks for the reply and pics.

I can't wait till we find our favorite home on the beach when we retire; I see what I get to look forward to....laugh.gif

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One sort of natural way marbles get a matte texture is in aquariums.

Some new marbles are given a matte texture by means of acid.

I rock tumbled a few 'cause they were too damaged and they turned out just like this. Now I just need to buff them...

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I would be willing to bet and give odds 99% of the so called sea glass and sea glass marbles sold on ebay are products of a tumbler not the ocean.

Well, at least I'm not crazy with my thoughts! It just upsets me that people take advantage of new/naive collectors....I guess it happens in all areas of collecting...whatever makes a quick buck.

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I would not buy any from ebay! I agree with Galen! I keep mine because it is just a little bonus when I am hunting sea glass.They are not worth anything! But it is sure fun wondering where they have been, and where I found them!

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I remember a few years back an old ship wreck (dated early 1800's) was found and some of its cargo was marbles being shipped to the “colonies” from Germany. I have seen pictures of those marbles and globs of them embedded in coral brought a high price. Some were also individual marbles that also were rather pricey. They do look somewhat like the ones that have been showing up on ebay. Perhaps someone thinks they can fake those shipwrecked ones.

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"Shipwreck" German handmades make more sense they'd be imported via ship. Can't say the same for machine made marbles, but I'm sure there were plenty left behind at the beach or slingshot for the gulls (oh no)

There was a lot more indigo blue glass at the beach when I was younger, but as a sign of the times it's more green or clear that I see nowadays. Still have a lot since I keep most pieces.

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I would not buy any from ebay! I agree with Galen! I keep mine because it is just a little bonus when I am hunting sea glass.They are not worth anything! But it is sure fun wondering where they have been, and where I found them!

On this, I do feel sorry for whoever does buy them unless they think they can shine them up....like you I would rather be the one who finds them, then I gotta story to tell; or just wander what story the marble has to say...wish I could hear themtongue.gif !!!!

Yes, and someone needs to take you to the beach...my favorite place; besides with my family, a cup of coffee, flashlight, magnifying glass, camera, and marbleslaugh.gif !

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Those ship wreck marbles were sold by Del Morgan with Larry Castle doing the polishing. Some were sold polished and some sold unpolished. They sold a few conglomerates with marbles still stuck with ship debri, shells, sand etc. They didnt know which ship carried them in that there were 3 ships in the immediate area with the all 3 ship bells already long gone. Here is a pic of my conglomerate. It has an oxblood swirl with a faceted pontil. They found only a tiny amount of the oxbloods.


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  • 9 months later...

javascript:;P2090009_01.jpgK, Back to this again....is it even possible for new marbles to be this 'sea tumbled'....and I think I am most disturbed to the 'Genuine' post...and the bids that are placed on them....He states that they are 100% Authentic & from Puerto Rico....and he has several lots for sale.....So am I crazy? or could there really be this many 'real' sea marbles........Is he for real?! $17.75....am I missing something here?


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Those ship wreck marbles were sold by Del Morgan with Larry Castle doing the polishing. Some were sold polished and some sold unpolished. They sold a few conglomerates with marbles still stuck with ship debri, shells, sand etc. They didnt know which ship carried them in that there were 3 ships in the immediate area with the all 3 ship bells already long gone. Here is a pic of my conglomerate. It has an oxblood swirl with a faceted pontil. They found only a tiny amount of the oxbloods.

That is absolutely outstanding! I would buy that for sure! Steve

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i agree they look tumbled. that said, We have some that were sent to us from Hilo, ones that were found years after the big tsunami there swept them out to sea(with many children unfortunately). they are in a little box here kept together, with a note from the person that sent them. :)

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