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Des Moines Show

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Back from the marble show and had a great time! Saw quite a mixture of people: many familiar long time collectors and sellers, new ones and all sorts of general lookers and buyers. Room hopping was busy. All seemed eager to talk, learn and share marble knowledge. Even saw some enthusiastic young kids with backpacks carrying what sounded to be marbles. Prices were good but negotiable. The contemporary marbles were not too well represented. I bought some nice marbles and plan to return next year. Sorry, I did not take any pictures.

Big Indian - no braid

bask fo

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YES!! Chad Cline done a very fine job again on his show. He works extremely hard for many months ahead to get it to run smooth and have everything in place. I had the privelage of seeing and having a great time with all my friends and marble family. Thousands of great looking marbles to see and purchase from the old to the contemps. Sami was there and saw and bought a few things from him and was very honored to get to meet Galin for the first time, a fine gentleman. Spent some of the day on thursday talking to him and had no idea who he was for awhile until Sami told me. The attendees was from all over, even way up north to south. It was great to get the west collectors and dealers come east to visit us. KUDOS, Chad, another great show, and congrats on the new addition to your family, she is a doll. Chuck G--

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I had one of the best times I have ever had at a show. CACs were not exactly the marble of choice and the 2 great ones I bought had to walk into my room. The great time was getting to spend time with so many great folks that I had only connected with previously on the internet. I laughed out loud 3 time hearing "Hey you actually are a nice guy??"" Too funny!! Hung out with a couple characters from Virginia, Got to hear the best marble story I have and probably ever will, learned more history and saw some great marbles. Sami bought a fantastic Pelt that is the type I have coveted for a long time. And it was world class. I got an old 100 count box of Mexican pastels to compliment my CAC pastel box which was pretty awesome. Thanks to Chuck Chad Jamie and all the rest of you that made my visit so enjoyable!!!! I will get some pics up soon.

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Fantastic show with super mid west hospitality. Wonderful to see old friends and make new ones. I was also very happy to see younger generation collectors taking over an old traditional show and carrying over to the next generation. Many thanks and congratulations to Chad for a great show and the new addition to the family. Also thanks to Dan for covering the host position while Chad was away. I came back home with a smiley face from memories that I will never forget and with some super marbles for my collection.

Looking forward to next year.


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Nice well organized smooth show start to finish. People attending from all over including Alaska. A big thank you to Chad and Dan for all the effort.

A few below that made it back to WV.



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