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popeye or pelt?


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OK the score stands at 2 for vitro and 2 for pelt. 0 for popeye patch.  At first I thought pelt, but because of the wispy white I went with popeye patch. I guess my pelt designation can be the tie breaker, unless someone else chimes in with another vitro ID, or something else altogether. Thanks


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8 hours ago, Chuck G said:

Berry, (my opinion), it could be a Peltier that lies close to a transparent "Christmas Tree" family type. Chuck G---


4 hours ago, akroorka said:

This is a Peltier MCR or “multi colored rainbo”.
I stand corrected from this previous post regarding a very similar marble.

Hi I’m on the Pelt boat with this one 

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Berry, let us talk a little more about this example. Here is some (thoughts and ideas) i have. I agree the white whispy look to the interior makes one think of at least three companies that had this if not more. Even later run marbles from Peltier (Second Runs) had this internally. Did Vitro have a lot of examples with wide interior depth to the opaque ribbons? They may have, as most was all outside on the surface. Some say a "Pop Eye" patch, probably the closest to your example (but) the interior works of Akro was more in line with each other up and down, not so  much dispersed. If you  can find your example (without) this interior works, just the red and green. Take that example and compare it to the example you have, you may find the colors match to your example. Early examples from Peltier, had a lot of (interior) works going on, (probably) after the swirls. One day we will all learn more in the production from the start till the end of the companies reins. Chuck G---

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