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Akro Friday

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This may be hard for anyone to believe—but—Chad’s marble and mine may be from the same production run, not the same run of colors—just the same run.
The machines/ovens kept running until they broke down for whatever reason. Production was never stopped to change size or colors--- back then at least—and more than likely now as well. 
“Keep them running” is in the mind of any production team.
Color changes and variations are more common than anyone may think. The rollers kept rolling, the furnace gases kept cooking, the workers kept working and the colors were bound to change over time—until something broke. This was a time for a size/color changeover, when it broke or wore out—not during production.
It was not about “pretty marbles” so much as it was about keeping cost’s low. 
The lucky few of us that have nice “Hybrid” Pelts or other makers may understand this a bit better.
All companies did this and this is why all companies have some very weird and rare marbles. Some of the manufacturers had quality control that picked these crossovers out better than others—some just let them go.

These posted are mostly Akro and they sure as heck could have come from the same “Run”. I call them “Uniques” but there is nothing unique about them.

Just my thoughts---


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UV. Custard type glass, not Lemonade, not Limeade, something else ?? You tell me, not silver ox either. The closest I can come is Custard glass, it's yellower than it looks. Very, very UV. reactive, a tad over 3/4ths w/ some very thick ox. Yes it was bought as a Lemonade ox, but ??



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