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Bubbly yellow patches


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OMG, it is so embarrassing.  All that work that I spent in organizing in these past months and I still can't walk straight upstairs and lay my hands on the tin containing my Anacortes bag.  From that group pic I posted these were the ones I thought might be closest.  Amber with bubbles.  Not very close but my Anacortes sample is indeed very small.


Here are Joe McDonough's Peltier Honey Amber Bananas


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@Melissa thanks for the post and extra photos. unfortunately, they're not helping me a lot because they're all pretty much the same angle. 🤔

i will say that i wouldn't cringe over a peltier ID. they kind of look like what a PPP would look like with an opaque base glass. OR like a 'flat banana' (where the banana looks like it floated up to the surface, like a magic 8 ball). 

@Steph is there a separate thread on those honey amber bananas? i never did believe those were peltier but if there is provenance, i'd love to hear the back story. 

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11 minutes ago, tankgrrl29 said:

@Melissa thanks for the post and extra photos. unfortunately, they're not helping me a lot because they're all pretty much the same angle. 🤔

i will say that i wouldn't cringe over a peltier ID. they kind of look like what a PPP would look like with an opaque base glass. OR like a 'flat banana' (where the banana looks like it floated up to the surface, like a magic 8 ball). 

@Steph is there a separate thread on those honey amber bananas? i never did believe those were peltier but if there is provenance, i'd love to hear the back story. 

I got pictures of all four with both seams.  Do you want to see the actual patch?

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10 minutes ago, Melissa said:

I got pictures of all four with both seams.  Do you want to see the actual patch?

that might help 🙄 i can't tell if they're being turned 'upside down' or - ?

(seriously, i am spatially impaired! my brain needs to recreate the 'motion' of moving left to right, seam to seam, plus top & bottom, as if holding in my hand in order to make something 3-D from the photos.) 

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8 minutes ago, tankgrrl29 said:

that might help 🙄 i can't tell if they're being turned 'upside down' or - ?

(seriously, i am spatially impaired! my brain needs to recreate the 'motion' of moving left to right, seam to seam, plus top & bottom, as if holding in my hand in order to make something 3-D from the photos.) 

Haha.  I'll try and snap some pics later today.  :)

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couple thoughts...

Melissa's photos are starting to look like Vitro 'lips' to me. 

I feel like they're upside down in all but the first photo.

I've attached some akro pics showing how akro patches (often/mostly?) have a swoop across the 'front' from seam to seam, with a bit of a cap that extends over one pole. I diagramed this in one image. the other images are old photos i saved. they're labeled as 'lizzie's dug akro patches' 

Akro cap.jpg

akro dug lizzies.jpg

akro dug poppatch lizzies.jpg

akro dug poppatch2 lizzies.jpg

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To me, the base glass doesn't look right for Vitro - too many bubbles, and overall, it looks sort of like boiling water, with bubbles of a various sizes, which is a trait I usually associate with Akro. And in the upper left marble (third image) it looks like the patch is trying to dip into the matrix along a seam, a trait I also usually associate with Akro but have seen on some oddball Vitros too. Here's an Akro pic that sort of shows that trait. In addition, because of their sloppiness, I am thinking the OP marbles may be dug.


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33 minutes ago, Ric said:

the base glass doesn't look right for Vitro - too many bubbles, and overall, it looks sort of like boiling water, with bubbles of a various sizes, which is a trait I usually associate with Akro. 


good point.... i don't see many akro, tbh, but i do see a lot of vitro and agree they aren't bubbly. 

Master Glass and CE Bogard can be bubbly, but the colored glass is generally 'shreddier' looking. These remind me of the patch shape in Melissa's mibs, but again, the shreddiness is not seen in her patches. 

Bogard group.JPG

Bogard pair.JPG

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12 minutes ago, tankgrrl29 said:

. . . Master Glass and CE Bogard can be bubbly, but the colored glass is generally 'shreddier' looking. These remind me of the patch shape in Melissa's mibs, but again, the shreddiness is not seen in her patches.

It's not that I haven't seen bubbly Vitros - just not this bubbly and it's not very common IMO. You make a good point about Master and Bogard - lots of bubbly glass there, for sure. But the patch shape and coverage on Melissa's just doesn't seem to fit with Master or Bogard IMO and simple single color yellow patches aren't common with those types either AFAIK. Honestly, that's about all I can think of to say about the OP marbles. But I will say those are some dandy Halloweens that you show!

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9 hours ago, Melissa said:

I had these in with my pelts

Size alway matters.

The upper right hand one is just not quite the same as the other three.

I would sort these as either Akro or Master--the yellow color tells the tale for me--not the bubbles.

I apprecaite all opinions and hope for some more.


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idk either...i feel like i'm (we're) missing something obvious but i can't place it. 

bottom/right has that little akro cap i diagramed above; top/left is trying to make some lips. nothing feels like peltier from where i'm sitting. the base color keeps changing from clear to electric yellow to peach LOL...

if @Steph hadn't already weighed in, i'd definitely want her opinion   i also feel like @wvrons or don miller would know these right away.

thanks for all the photos, @Melissa !! 

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