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I have accepted the position of “Moderater”

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I am no saint but I will not account for any misbehavior towards new collectors (or others for that matter). There are no stupid questions—just ask and be rewarded.
This place—“The Marble Connection” is the oldest marble collecting site on Earth. (Maybe the whole Universe)
We are all here to further the knowledge of these cute little orbs known as many years as humans have been together and enjoying the partnership that has been bringing us together for many years, all of us together—regardless of whatever.
I just love this stuff—just love it—all are included—“All “for sure from “newbie” to Expert.
Let’s just keep it to marbles and enjoy each other’s opinions—politics and otherwise can be talked about elsewhere. 
This is a marble site—let’s just talk marbles and keep it there.
What a great thing to talk about and discuss---(and they do not take too much room)

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Boo Yah ! Steph invested 20 years in the Board and marbles and speaks for its self. Where she finds her historical information always blows me away. LOL ! She put me on several “Probations” for sparing over petty stupid sh!t with the “Trolls” on LOM. When I came back after a 15 year absence I was glad to see they where gone. Good job Steph. I will always remember how you dedicated your self to the Marble World 🔥🔥🔥


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17 hours ago, Shamrock Marbles said:

May you find the patience of Job to guide us back onto the path.


I just desire the patience of @Chad G., a mentor and a big brother to all of us here.

Our big sister @Steph has left and her patience and work here has modified my patience as well.

Lets make this work for awhile again--we are all getting older but "mentorship" is a real thing that deserves attention at the highest level--it also rewards the mentor in a good way.

I know--it can get boring for us old farts --just pass it on and be rewarded, make yourself feel better by sharing your knowledge.

It sure works for me, five minutes of your time will speak hours to many out there.

A positive word here or there is all it takes to make it work.

This is not meant for you Shamrock--it is meant for all of us here at "TheMarbleConnection", the oldest marble chat group on Planet Earth.

As always---


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2 hours ago, akroorka said:

I just desire the patience of @Chad G., a mentor and a big brother to all of us here.

Our big sister @Steph has left and her patience and work here has modified my patience as well.

Lets make this work for awhile again--we are all getting older but "mentorship" is a real thing that deserves attention at the highest level--it also rewards the mentor in a good way.

I know--it can get boring for us old farts --just pass it on and be rewarded, make yourself feel better by sharing your knowledge.

It sure works for me, five minutes of your time will speak hours to many out there.

A positive word here or there is all it takes to make it work.

This is not meant for you Shamrock--it is meant for all of us here at "TheMarbleConnection", the oldest marble chat group on Planet Earth.

As always---


Well said my friend 

Be Cool


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