ok EVERYBODY, take notice. a chicken is a chicken is a chicken, THEN, its a rooster, hen or pullet. simple. i raised them damn things when i was a kid. milked cows, bucked hay, shoveled the crap. spread it on the fields. we had our own eggs and chicken, milk and butter and steaks and hamburger and veg garden and still went to school cleaned house did laundry all those fine domestic things that farm women do. so i know a chicken when i see it, whether its a rooster or a hen.
ya me Sue, Hi. we had 640 A. half fields and half timber. some left over fruit trees from the Arcadia and at one time we even had bees. gooseberry bushes, currents raspberries strawberries huckleberries up in the mountains and even a deer or two. we used to get rabbit but rabbit fever killed em all off. we had a silver maple tree in the yard that was about 70 feet tall and i was the only one who could climb the damn thing. my Grandpa Koch homesteaded it around 1900. its still in the family, well just a portion of it now. stupid Dorothy sold most of it to be developed and kept all the money.......nuff