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Everything posted by bigjohn691500

  1. "The works" or any toilet bowl cleaner that claims to remove rust, does not hurt glass,, bj
  2. THAT IS VERY PRIMITIVE AND COOL,, I COLLECT THEM WHEN I FIND THEM, HERES (sory dang caps lock was on, i type like schoder plays piano) anyway, heres one i have of a demon with a 3 inch 3 piece glass mib,,,bj
  3. nice grab, check the solid blues for a 9 pattern your in the right time frame for a persian turquois,,if you want the handmades fixed up get a hold of leroy, he is the master of mib repare,, bj
  4. yes,, but i was having trouble deciphering it, steve,, not sure if you understood what i was writing,, bj
  5. lolol,, ok now ive heard of peoples ashes being put in Marbles but evil spirits, hmmm,, well,, ok,,, bj
  6. i hate being broke but i do save the pictures, that big boy paver on the right is an Akro i think, at any rate it was an awesome mib,,bj
  7. This is fun, i took one of Zaboos photos and made a puzzle out of it, very cool and very fun, oxblood puzzle
  8. wow what a thread, zaboo, your pictures are off the hook, and buddy that mib is jaw dropping, everybody has some great marbles, i just love talking marbles, feels good,, bj
  9. heres one i always thought was a master due to its cut on the pole but a very unusual color,,, bj
  10. david them big ones sure look alot like vitros to me,check to see if they have a singular thread running from pole to pole inside the mib,,,,,, also akro sparklers look alot like masters as well, them colorfull mibs with all the coloured threads look like good candidates for sparklers,,, smile at least were talking about marbles for a change, great thread,, bj heres the monster vitro i have, sorry bad pics its an older digital photo,,
  11. im sorry you feel this way, you had it rough and i think i understand your frustration, but honoring those who have fallen in this country in and on the battlefield goes all the way back the the civil war, when brothers fought against brothers, over 600,000 men and women died in that war and it has been a time honor position of the remaining to honor those who even thoe they may not have understood the reasoning behind such atrosities right or wrong, they gave their lives to secure what they thought was freedom and or a just cause reguardless of understanding why its happening. When a soldier dies upon the field of battle there can not be any other ultimate sacrifice that would need to be less awarded because of the politics involved, afterall, we are honoring the dead and those who have served for this thing we call freedom not the goverments or politics involved. There will be, now, and always people that disagree with war thinking that freedom comes with no price tag attached and alot of soldiers comming out of war think your same way, but in the end there has been a price that has been paid and if you cannot honor their sacrifice then, in my eyes, you are no different then the people you met at the airport, sorry, but you will not make there lives any less important with the way you feel,, i said it and if you hate me because i wasnt there so be it, but i still thank you for your service and hope that some day you might understand the way alot of gratefull Americans feel about it and except the apologise from those who know they have wronged the survivors of these wars, i will never know what its like to be there in the midst of all the shit you guys went through, but what i can do is honor those who have gone through it and respect your frustration,you have a duty to your fallen brothers and their families to respect them,,, bj
  12. ok this green twist is off the hook, easier to move your picture down,, just awesome,, love the green's,,bj
  13. heres the mib i called my hairball for years,,lol,,, hey if the shoe fits right,, bj
  14. i had this photo on my files and they are mixed in with some kro's but still is a great group,,, nice pic of pelts orb,,good to talk about mibs for a change,, bj
  15. this is my favorite, i gave my hairball away so this one took its place,lol, ,,bj
  16. i just got this one last saturday in a batch, i have a few of them but havent grouped them together, definetly hard to find, this is a weak MCS,,, bj
  17. its that time of year again to celebrate the few and the proud who sacrificed themselves for our fredom, remember the fallen and thank a Vet,,bj THANK YOU
  18. heres her out,,"PLEASE REMEMBER THAT SOME OF THESE MARBLES MIGHT BE NEWER I'M NOT A EXPERT..." jeepers good detective work there, mini pavcrap seller if ya ask me,, bj
  19. how bout this one,in the antique monthly a few years ago,,,j
  20. onyx cork that didnt twist, theres a reason it was in the dump, still is a cool mib,, heres a clear version, not dug different color,, the eye of Rah,, lol,, bj
  21. usually people come onto the forums to ask about there mega marbles and jap stuff at first, you dont mess around, started toward the top and i'll bet that one will be hard to beat, very nice boxed set,, bj
  22. i was off by a little bit but 13,800 plus the juice i was close, lol,, bj
  23. i did vote but i think a certain set of parameters need to be in place, are you talking about people who made a living off the backs of others collections?, or someone that stepped up and provided his/her expertise to advance the hobby?,,, or is it just a name you've heard over and over again, so you assume he or she has done anything,maybe a long time collector with their collections being worth a certain amount but gives no insight as to the origin of their collection?,, really a vague pole that needs a few guide lines i think,, bj
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