I like you David, and i respect you as an advanced collector,, i guess the problem might be,,, this is a marble chat room,, not an opinion but this is a fact,,,, putting your fact based education on marbles is totally in order,, BUT,, starting a thread that picks on, puts down, or places a non marble opinion on what should or shouldnt be said is asking for retalialtion,,, i always thought a marble chat room is supposed to be post a marble, give your thoughts, discusse the mibs in question so everyone can learn from mistakes they may have made and learn,, maybe post for praise for mibs they aquired thats ok because theres nothing wrong with showing what you have and alot of people may have never seen it before, thats the excitement with collecting as a hobby,,, why start a thread that has red tape all over it?,, its nice that you bring your knowledge to the table, but leave some room for discussions, this might require someone that has an opinion,, bj