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Everything posted by bigjohn691500

  1. looks vitroish to me maybe a parrot or depending on size parakeet,, bj
  2. hmmmm i tried and only got this,can you see them?,bj
  3. i sent it to my son for christmas this past year but it was a cool set, there was purple, pink, green all color shooter size alabaster marbles, i had him send me a picture of it so it isnt that detailed of a photo, but 25 bucks wasnt bad i thought ,,, bj
  4. i bought a newer board like that with shooter size alabaster mibs for 25.00 the chinese mibs in your photo are cool looking but new and cheep to buy, i think marble alan might have some left,, bj
  5. i shoot my self in the foot for getting rid of my copy years ago,,, i sure wish i had more room around here, lolol,,, jeepers,,, bj Ebay auction link to something other than marbles
  6. one other thing i must say, if your a seller and your always pissing and moaning about your end results try putting "marbles" in your title,, i know when i do a search thats what i put in the search engine,, when you put "handmade clambroth" on your title line i have to say that unless someone makes it known about your auction you virtually lost 70 to 80% of your buyers who use the same way i use to find them,,, also marbles are spelled MARBLES not marbels ,, and SULPHIDES are not spelled sulfides, i know theres a few more key words that work,,, heres a twist i always loved this in the title,, "big lot of marbles in an old antique jar" now thats funny, if you decieve a seasoned buyer you lost a buyer, be honest about what your selling, if you dont know, say i dont know and answer all questions that come your way,,, done saying anything else,, bj sorry for venting im just blowing off steam due to the drought of not finging anything for a while, i hate that when that happens, its a marble collectors withdrawals nightmare.
  7. heres a wrench into this thread,,, as a seller i say post it up i need the best price i can get, hell, i did all the leg work,,, as a buyer shame on you for wanting to buy some good ole marbles for nothing but to get mad at someone for announcing the auction because you planned on sniping it for nothing, childish, if you want to be in this hobby be prepared to buy high and sell low more often than the reverse,,, i say post up all good auctions that are hiding gems such as the Ajax mib, buyers dig a little deeper and make it worth us "runners" and "finders" busy finding and bringing them to the market,,, everyone wants something for nothing,,seems to me the only complainers are the ones who want it for nothing just to turn it for a quick profit for them selves,, it aint easy finding these in the wild anymore, make it worth our time and effort,,,its like them crab people on tv, they risk their lives to get 5 bucks a pound for the middle man who sells it for 20 bucks a pound,,, jeepers,,, bj
  8. for someone who strickly sells akro items they really dont know marbles per say, ide say hes a victum(sp) of a buyout him/her self, and just dont know its bogus,,,bj
  9. i see you have another mib auction coming up, just wanted to throw it out there so people who want to attend can start planning early,, nice stuff again,,, bj
  10. as much as it pains me to say this by looking at that,,,, yep it looks like a penis, schlong, cock-a-doodle doo, johnson, porky pig, samorii warrior, love dangle,, let see what else we can call it, come on ladies i know you have pet names,my ex wife sure does, ,, jeepers , you tried to sell that?,, lolol,, save it for valentines for your better half and say have fun,,, lololol,,man did this thread get pointed south,,,,,,,, BJ signed big john
  11. i here ya sue, i thought the same thing as you in all your writings but what sent me over the edge is when they banned selling old railroad keys, used to be a good little market, their theory was soon after 911 that terrorist could buy these and use them to wreck a train, so the sellers started to call them "opening devices" you can sell the locks but not the keys, lololol,, when i heard that i said, "shit" why not ban the planes they sell, why not ban pocket knives or hunting knives granted there not illegal like switch blades(thank you james dean") for that, but kill just as easy, you cant sell switch blades thats been around for years, but if i based any business on "what could happen" as opposed to "what might happen" ide be out of business, lets ban all paper products in fear of getting paper cuts,,, what alot of ivory sellers are doing is replacing ivory with the word bone, i guess its ok to sell bone stuff and not ivory, they dont get pulled unless someone complains about it, and the complainers are usually the people who bid against you at local auctions that are jelous(sp) about you and what you sell and how well you do or someone thats tried to sell a banned item who got something pulled and it pissed him off so he/she reported all the other people who are getting away with it, i have a couple of them freeks around here, jeepers,, heres a new one i heard at the end of last year, if you make 20 grand on ebay ebay is required to report that to the IRS, any thing under is ok, oh yea,, do a search in ebay, that put a hault to alot of my local buying and thinking "what a great way" for a disable person to make a few extra bucks, i rant as well, i agree with you,, bj
  12. great photo galen, at least it warms me up inside, jeepers if ive said it once ill say it forever i hate winter,,,, cute dog lou, pics are tiny when i click on it,, ill bet ^^hes a good doggy^^ also,, frosticles , lolol,, always wake up with a laugh,that does it, ide love to have a dog, its just im not the lawn land mine clean up type a person, i had a german shepard once and the land mines in the yard was what actually kept the burgalrs out, because he was a good doggy, lick your face all day long, miss him, the people we got him from named him hudson, what a cool name,, lololol,, bj
  13. duff your photos are great,, what an awesome mib,, bj
  14. didnt you know that we are just thawing out from the last ice age, no such thing as GW,, lololol,,, frosticles, i love that dog and i never ever seen him/her in person,,,^^ hes such a good doggy^^ ^^ shooby dooby doo ^^,,, lol,, bj
  15. jeepers crimeny, we got crapped on with that 4 letter word in Indiana, but not no where near what you guys got,, cool dog ill bet ^^hes a good doggy^^,,, lol,, bj
  17. and that my friends is how you get 250 bucks for 9 very ordinary slags,,, bj
  18. wow, great finds,, way to go, been soooooo dry around here lately,,,bj
  19. if thats a pelt purple tiger ill eat 5 marbles,, never heard of a peltier purple tiger, dont mean they dont exist but never heard of such animal,but the aventurine is off the hook on that mib,, bj
  20. commenting on his character, he is a thief, and what a way to sell a couple slags,,he sells known fake boxes and chipped up and stolen mibs in his boxed sets and offers a no return policy, ken run dont walk,,, bj
  21. I do believe a panda is a black based baseball with white stripes or bands,opposite of a zebra,, bj
  22. simply a play on words to increase the value of ones mibs imho,,, Christensen named the worlds best Guinea to certain type,,, it would be hard to call any guinea a hybrid with all the colors,maybe an added pink or whatever color that isnt in their runs, if anyhing a hybrid stiped opaque could be possible if you knew every different combination of the stiped opaques,,, bj
  23. no such animal,,, nice try,,, but its called a striped opaque,, nice mib,,, bj
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