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Everything posted by BobandPat

  1. Derrick lost Bevra, the love of his life, yesterday morning from a heart attack. Would everyone please send him prayers and well wishes. Thanks, Bob
  2. All Bartons.... Might have a few more of his beauties in one of those "First Class All The Way" white boxes Mike sends them in. Thanks for everything Mike! Bob
  3. Here's my thought on that subject..... it sure would look good reunited and setting next to it's big brother brick. Thoughts?
  4. I see the blue deere bottom row second from the right, which I was fortunate to hold in hand. Pictures just don't do it justice like the rest of them, I'm sure. Hi Mike!
  5. I have to agree with Chuck on the new location.... I didn't think I would like it with the rooms on so many floors, but it spread the people out so it didn't seem so crouded. I think Chuck should show some close ups of the yellow and green pelt though.... yes the one with the blue aventurine running along the edge of the green. Bob
  6. I'm at a total loss for words that could describe how I feel about Art's loss right now. The Badger Marble Club lost a member who contributed much towards the yearly show, the meetings, and his dedication to teaching new collectors how to identify marbles. My sincere codolences go out to his family and to Bill Bass who has lost a very close friend. Bob
  7. Several years ago a collector gave me a damaged GR because I didn't have one and couldn't afford a nice one. I'm still looking for just the right one for my Peltier collection, but when I find it, I'll give the damaged one to a new collector who doesn't have one yet. That's how new friendships happen.... right Catfish? So go ahead and get it if you can, then down the road make a new friend. Bob
  8. I would put it with my Peltier's....
  9. Dang Brad, you're going to need help with the sorting.
  10. The one just posted by marblemiser is a sub IMO. The base blue can vary from extremely dark like the one Galen posted and the one I have to a more medium color. Some also seem to be more dense and stringy than others, letting less light through. The red ribbons are typical Peltier running dark red through the oranges, yellows and burnt colors. Most of the ones I have seen in hand are more of the medium blue with the lighter blended red ribbons... I am curious what others have observed though. Bob
  11. I agree that the ones with history have a spot in my heart too. The liberty I've had since the late 50's when I played the school grounds, and the cubscout I just rescued a few weeks ago for 2 dollars at a local antique shop. They both have a spot in the display case.
  12. Hi Rick, long time no see... nice marble. Bob
  13. Snowing like crazy here today, so I thought I would drag some out.
  14. Cool mib... kinda looks like a spidey/clown cross to me. Bob
  15. Possibly an attempt at making single seam slags that didn't work out... since they are dug. Just thinking out loud. Bob
  16. Don't know about the mibs, but that's the best looking dodo bird I've ever seen. :-) Bob
  17. Great job as usual Joe! I'm liking that watch chain.... Bob
  18. Nice Brad... if you ever need them dusted, you know where to send them. :-) Bob
  19. Now there's a collectors item if I've ever seen one.... very cool Duffy!
  20. I'll be up Saturday morning and staying until I run out of money or marble stories. LOL Bob
  21. Most are rainbos, but all are Peltier. Smallest is the double ingot PPP at a hair over 3/4, the rest are up to 1".
  22. This particular base color is not real common.... and less so with the oxblood I was told by several Akro collectors.
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