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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. The wife has decided to start collecting mineral specimens. Joining the local USGS group soon. I have specimens from my grandfather, who was Dean of geology at UNM for 30+ years. I have his USGS 50-year pin.
  2. That spotted example must have a name!
  3. I actually like moonpies😆😆🇺🇸
  4. Expires in a few months, but the chocolate pie was very good. we primarily shop for cards and dog treats. $1.25 vs $9.00 at Petsmart.
  5. https://www.ebay.com/itm/266826981913?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=czSMGItGTWG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Did you buy them at the Dollar Store?😆😆 we just bought chocolate and banana today, haven’t opened them yet.
  7. 2 more at 11/16” I was hoping AKRO “Darklers” but thinking Master as well.
  8. This is 3/4”. Been hiding in my sparklers but I’m pretty sure it’s a Master.
  9. Green, should have used a darker background.
  10. Mini 1-man marble show today for 2 young collectors.
  11. Late entry: 4/loop cork with clear blue base. The UV was a surprise for me.
  12. Where did it come from?
  13. The colors throw me for a loop. Not pelt or Vitro?
  14. My wife has found numerous items in the wash, including a Kershaw Blur that opened and punched a bunch of holes in the barrel. Ruined 2 of her blouses and the bed sheets. Had to buy a new washer, couldn’t pound out all the holes. No marbles, yet.
  15. Happy Friday! my AKRO “lunch-bucket”(?) pieces. The cups are lamp parts. Not sure about the handles?
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