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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Neither do I,not seeing foreign,looks Pelt to me aswell.
  2. winnie

    ID 1

    the yellow mark,can you feel a cut-line with your finger nail?
  3. winnie

    ID 1

    Do I see a short cut-off line in the second picture right on top? Sometimes the M.F.C slags are difficult to distinguish from the early slags that I find here,wether they're German or Japanese.
  4. Rust?? I've seen the letter 0 on my marbles.
  5. Manof,The yellow/purple swirls are hard to find here and the purple/green ones are easy to come by,do you find the white-red blue swirls in England? Steph,when I see a marble which I think might be foreign,I prefer to wait out on your reaction because I do not want to complicate it. On the marbles of Shell,I was not sure wether America has made those pastel colored swirls,i only knew that Veiligglas made them,now I know America made them aswell.
  6. Some pastel colored Amsterdam swirls should not be missed.
  7. You have it in your hand so you can compare the best with the other Veiligglas marbles and could be right,but beware there is a Vacor swirl that resembles very much this Veiligglas swirl.
  8. Yes amazing what Steph does for marble collectors,thanks!! sometimes I wonder do you still have time for other things?
  9. It could be Veiligglas or American made? No specific traits to tell for sure.
  10. One more vote for Asian.
  11. I'm thinking Akro. This type of slag in this color does not exist in Europe or Japan.
  12. Hi Ron,what do think about this one,is the brown bold enough?
  13. I don't recognize it as Veiligglas,looks more like a slag to me? Manof,5/8 is a regular size for Veiligglas marbles,most are in that size.
  14. Me also think Japan was first for the machine-made marbles,such as:transitionals--mushroom type's and fig8,round about the 20's and 30's. I think these Sunburst type have been made later in the 50's or 60's,India is also a possibility,but it's guesswork.
  15. They're not pontils,they are called "eyes"and are caused by the firing process.
  16. I think it's Asian,some look nice,I call them Asian Sunburst. Here are some more.
  17. Indeed,there is a large variety in Euro sparklers,and they're easy to find in the UK.
  18. I notice that you also doubt wheter it's foreign or MK,therefor this pic-. Cut-lines can be long on Imperials,as you can see. This one is a bit translucent,not as much as yours. I've a hart time with patches,so I really don't know what to think.
  19. I asked it cause when I first saw your marble,foreign went through my head,so I looked at my patches but couldn't find a good match,so now I think it's American made,sorry for the confusion.
  20. Steph,so sorry to hear for the loss of your daddy.
  21. Not all the Euro sparklers have orange peel,some of them have a smooth surface. Your question about the Dutch marbles,I've never seen orange peel on them.
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