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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Veiligglas in Amsterdam, 1949-1961. And all have a great 2017.
  2. Very nice!! What color is the base glass??
  3. I assume that yours is blue and green. Here's another odd one,the base is wine red and the colors are tan-brown and blueish but I think the blueish color is actually white. Unfortunately it is damaged,oh and the cut-off is a straight line. I'm not sure if this one is Japanese,might be made somewhere else?
  4. It has 3 colors,blue-white and yellow. This is the second Japanese slag,that I have with 3 colors. If anyone has another one,please show it.
  5. In Dutch,I think I could do it,but in English it;'s another story,don't laugh. If she was afraid she began to shout loudly than it was quiet.
  6. winnie

    Moving ....

    Thats great news,hope your move goes smoothly.
  7. The longer I look the more I think about Japanese patches,they also come in clear glass. Those patches can be confusing,I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one that struggle with them LOL
  8. I loved it as a child really crazy,so I have to let it hear my children and grandchildren and the look on their faces is priceless.
  9. Wow,look at the last 2,beautiful colors and a very nice pattern.
  10. Yes in the wild but not at the same time and Always in old marble groups. I like some of the old Japanese patches very much. here's another one,looks a bit like Pelt but is Japanese.
  11. 11/16. I can imagine that people think they are Vitro,but I think they are Japanese,confusing isn't it?
  12. I also think German,a typical size for this type.
  13. I've looked in my boxes,and boy that was fun,was forgotten how nice some of them are. Not quite what you asked,4 vanes,each vane has 2 colors,2 red vanes with a little blue and on the other side 2 blue vanes with a little red.
  14. Nice Alley's,John and Paul. some more
  15. Yes the mushroom types and other patches,the transitionals and fig8 types,for me everything indicates that these marbles are made before the second world war.
  16. Here is the Vacor that I mentioned in my previous post,they differ more from each other than I initially thought.
  17. I don't recognize it as Veiligglas. Somehow it reminds me a little of Vacor,I have a Vacor with that glass but without the yellow color.
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