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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. There was also something dropped in the furnace at Veiligglas.
  2. One side busy other side is subtle,I like the subtle side most,reminds me of peacock feathers. It has some damage but I think I never find another one.
  3. Me too think it's German but what strange to me is that there is no light shining through,all my other German 2 or 1 seam slags do have a transparant base. here are some.
  4. It's 5/8,no light shines through it,it has a short straight cut-off. I found it in a group of mostly German 2 seam slags,however there were 2 American marbles in it. Anyway,I'm not familiar with that.
  5. Ric,this one is also a bit corky and snakey.
  6. It's not a toy marble although as a child we used them as toy marbles. I believe they are part of a ballbearing.
  7. would like to see,cobalt blue pink and red.
  8. hmmm,I don't know if I'm able to tell the difference between machiene made slags and swirls,well I'll try. The machiene made slags such as CAC (1 or 2 seams) Peltier (feathered) are easy to distinquish from the machiene made slags by Akro. Akro slags are difficult to distinquish from swirls. The white ribbon in a swirl can have sharp curves,like a V or L. A slag usually has more round streamlined ribbons. A slag has Always a colored or clear transparant base with a white ribbon. A swirl can have a little or much color running with the white,and the base is usually not as bright transparant as a slag.This is what I see when I look at my slags and swirls.
  9. next is yellow and pink. And here is the hot pink.
  10. No,it was not him,here is your clear with white,next lets try red and pink.
  11. beautiful Akro Paul. Next... red and black.
  12. Oh sorry,I have to chose a color, red and white
  13. black and white it is.... and a little glitter.
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