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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Steph,sometimes I feel I'm the biggest troublemaker,thinking Veiligglas. Here are some Whte Veiligglas swirls for comparison.
  2. Here are some more,mostly found in Netherlands.
  3. This is a Japanese 1 inch HG marble. The yellow is traced by a dark line and there is some light blue on the surface,hard to photograph.
  4. they can fool you those Vacors.
  5. Well I found a box with new marbles,that I had forgotten it existed,to my surprise these marbles were in there,they are a good match with the marble I first posted,it's the one right on top. So I only can think of Vacor?
  6. This one was in a group of old and new marbles,I think of Vacor,but I've never seen it before,it's 5/8,what do you think?
  7. Yes,I like them too,there so much going on inside. It's 15/16
  8. Yours looks different and very nice,so now I wonder if it's an Alley at all.After backlighted it,it seems to be an orange base.
  9. Does this qualify as a shortcake? It has a tan base.
  10. OK,it looks like drizzle,but you all show the drizzle on the surface,( because they're opaque), so I thought that was required. Here's one with the drizzle on the surface.
  11. This is on the inside,I do not know if it countsas drizzle,if not I'll post another with drizzle on the surface.
  12. It seems to me a new marble,but do not know who made it.
  13. It's 7/8 and has 1 seam,I think it's a German striped transparant.
  14. That's too bad,I will miss it,but I understand,also pity of all those good information.
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