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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I think it's even odd for Vacor so getting thrown of track is pretty understandable. 🙂
  2. If this is Vitro, it's a very odd one. My guess is foreign, maybe Vacor.
  3. Not Asian, maybe JABO, but JABO didn't make a lot of peewees, especially fully opaque ones. Unfortunately, the pics are a little out of focus and I can't really see enough detail to say much more.
  4. Here are some Ravenswoods with the batch glass white - it's really noticeable, like CAC white. Ron always says that batch glass is white like whole milk and cullet is more like 2% or skim milk, and it's a pretty good analogy. And here are a few more Heatons to ponder . . .
  5. I think it's as pretty tough call, Alley or Ravenswood for sure, but which one I am not confident about - might be one of each. lol
  6. The bright white is batch-made glass from a formula and is found on the earliest Ravenswoods. Later, because of increasing production costs and price competition they started using more cullet glass that they acquired from a variety of sources. And yes, as far as I know, they made RW&B marbles over a period of many years and the changes are noticeable from early mesh bags to later poly bags.
  7. Nice group of Ravenswoods, Bill. Thanks for the comparative photos, Ron!
  8. A very nice Alley, I'd say.
  9. I think both could be Alley but another view or two of the second would help - especially the ends of any stripes.
  10. it does look a little off for Vitro.
  11. There is a good bit of "orange peel" texture too, which is another indicator for me.
  12. Most marbles made by both companies were 5/8". I lean Imperial because of the bright green color, which would be very uncommon for Master and quite common for Imperial - that and the way both halves of the marble merge to a pretty tight point in the last pic.
  13. That is a very odd color combo to have green AV in it - it makes me think it might be from a JABO investor run, but . . .?
  14. That is Tiger's Eye but it's a mineral (stone) sphere, not glass, so not a Christensen Agate. The smaller poly Tom Sawyer bags contain Vitro Tiger Eye marbles. The Master marble company also made a marble called a Tiger Eye. And yes, it can all be a bit confusing. 🙂
  15. I could see Alley too, but Alley or Heaton or Champion or . . .? It's a single color WVS and it has minimal value, regardless of who made it.
  16. It could well be a Champion with more than its fair share of yellow.
  17. Yes, I see the light purple.
  18. That's right. The smaller poly bags are mostly, if not all, Tiger Eyes. But there aren't any in the mesh or older poly bags.
  19. Ric

    .58 SWIRL

    I'm thinking JABO.
  20. I do recall that it was harder than it looked and that the trick was to really give the ball a whack. lol
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