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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I don't see Master. It looks like a patch with a fold - maybe Vitro?
  2. I don't think there is a name associated with it and the more I look at it the more Vitro it looks to me, so I don't know what to think about it, other than that it looks like a veneered marble. Sorry, not much help, I know. lol
  3. A half-and-half that I am not entirely sure is German. It's a bit beat up but I couldn't bring myself to pitch it.
  4. Just a couple of colorful Benningtons, with a contemporary knock-off for comparison. Be careful out there!
  5. Very nice. The rose china is interesting - a little different than others I've seen.
  6. It's a slag. Are there any cut lines that you can see? The large, sort of oval, reflection that covers the top half of the marble in every pic makes it hard to see if there are - the reflection itself can look like a seam.
  7. Nice mibs, Dave. I have always liked the lavender ones!
  8. Akro did CORnelians too, didn't they? And House of Marbles markets a CARnelian too.
  9. Talking to yourself is the first sign of . . . Nah, you're not that old. 😆
  10. Ric


    Looks Master to me - those with black are less common.
  11. Thanks, Ron. I guess it's the fact that on all of these packages the term "old fashion(ed)" is used and if the marbles had just come off the rollers that might seem a little odd, or maybe not.
  12. That's an interesting bag. It sort of looks like it might have been packaged around the same time as the PB poly bag with the extra header card, like the one you show. DO you know anything more about them?
  13. Most look like Masters to me. Although, with just the one pic, there are a few I wonder about.
  14. Looks like I'll have to clean out my JABO drawer!
  15. The Great stuff, Ron. I really like the long thin tight mesh bag. Are there a couple of Paul Bunyans in the shoestring bag?
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