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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric

    CAC ?

    As far as I know American Agates only come in red.
  2. Ric

    CAC ?

    It's sorta got that American Agate look.
  3. Here's a link to a beauty Bill posted.
  4. I would say, yes - nice one too.
  5. Very nice, another great board and marbles.
  6. I agree, Joep. Wow, there are a few awesome examples in this group!
  7. Ric

    Vitro ?

    I doubt any are Victories since the transparent glass of those marbles is usually some of the nicest you will see - crystal clear and no bubbles.
  8. I think they're great, Joep, and given the look of them and the fact that they have been making marbles in the Netherlands for a very long time, my bet is they are quite old. How big are they?
  9. Base on these pics, the third in your OP is JABO and the first may be Heaton.
  10. Alley on the right - not sure about the left one.
  11. No oxblood, maybe Heaton.
  12. Pretty sure. The only ones I might question are the first and the third, and I would need to see more before I changed my mind.
  13. Yeah, that's a great marble - they don't come much cleaner! Nice group, Dave - lots of pink. It reminds me of a big collection I purchased from a woman around here who had collected for a long time - lots of pink and pastel colors on both hand-mades and machine-mades.
  14. Based on the one view, they look like Alleys from St. Mary's to me.
  15. Pretty funny story, but since the interior looks threaded, I doubt it was a valve - some kid probably just stuck it in the fitting who knows when. It's definitely a cool Rainbo though, I think I'd be kinda glad for the mishap!
  16. I think it's likely just a European machine made with some nice interior action, since I don't see any evidence of hand-gathering.
  17. Without a polar patch and only the two equatorial ribbons, it has the structure of a new MK, which would mean it is not a Spiderman.
  18. I gotta agree. That's some pretty fancy footwear for a hotplate!
  19. Very cool, I have seen latticinios used in similar applications but it's far less common than using "clearies", at least in my experience.
  20. I have about 2 pints of marbles that are still covered in dirt and I am very proud of the discipline I have shown to leave them as they are. Please, don't tempt me! lol
  21. The left is JABO and I think the right one is too. Sometimes marbles can get "furrows" in them because of the way the glass cools or the way the glob moves on the rollers.
  22. Those mibs originally cost about 1 1/2 hours pay. You'd need a darn good job to get them anywhere near that rate today!
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