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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Thanks for the response! I can guarantee the one I am showing is glass. A new photo would show a giant fracture in it thanks to a dusting incident that happened several years ago - I'm almost over it. 😭
  2. I've seen them with a lot more and darker purple too. I'll have to do some digging.
  3. It seems to me the vast majoriry of Vitro Conqueror and Victory mesh bags have veneered marbles in them. These look more like Parkersburg Vitros to me. Al would likely know how true this really is.
  4. Jackson is entirely out of the realm of possibility, IMO.
  5. I thought I better start a new thread since we were diverging pretty far from the Lets See Your Master Mibs topic. This was Bill's box and these are his pics too. @mibcapper It is a lot like the Master #10, but probably even more rare.
  6. Nice yellow and a pretty sweet little twist at the top too - I like it!
  7. Ric

    clear swirl

    Just click the three little dots on the upper right of your post and select 'edit'. I have to use it way too much and it works great. lol
  8. If they did, you might find it . . . eventually. lol
  9. Ric

    clear swirl

    Did you notice I updated my earlier response? Sorry I was a little late on the draw. lol
  10. Ric


    Like a Conqueror with the patch surrounded by another color . . .
  11. Some polished little pretties brother Bill rescued for me.
  12. I used to think it was a purple Taterbug variant from Pennsboro, since I didn't remember seeing anything too much like it from Sistersville.
  13. It is really cool - not too sure how HTF, and I am not sure, but I think that is a symbol of Prussia depicted with marbles on the lid.
  14. Ric


    I think we have a winner!
  15. Ric


    It's a cool one - a little different, and I'm with you on Vitro.
  16. Ric

    clear swirl

    That's a nice Ravenswood, Bruce! Alan's pic from his excellent article: Ravenswood Novelty Marbles - A Review Of Varieties
  17. An old fashioned "Lite Brite", just over 100 years old and not one of the 600 tiny clay marbles is missing - what are the odds? Sorry for the less than ideal photos.
  18. That is an incredibly good photo, Chad, something for me to aspire to later today!
  19. Crazy story. Addiction is real, so is mental illness.
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