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Everything posted by Poplarhead

  1. How about some Alley Agates - case I got from Ron Shephard some years ago..
  2. Here's a pic of my Akro #300 box i backfilled...
  3. Here's a few - Don A one inch baby I love these catseye types
  4. Loved this - I searched marbles. The article about training a rat to roll a marble down a hole for food was interesting. The rat got his marbles by pulling a string. They covered the hole so he couldn't put a mrble down it but he kept collecting and hoarding marbles. (sounds like us!) When they uncovered the hole he poured them down one after another for rewards. One smart mouse! Also add by a company TORR) who sold marbles by cases for gum ball machines was interesting! Don
  5. These are all Champion Agates, not Ravenswoods. I have a case full of them just like these I got in 1990s. Don
  6. And how about these large ones? American clays? 21 of them came with homemade roll up wooden stands for game. About 2 inches in size. Let 3 go to a friend who collected stones. Don
  7. Here is one of my boxes of stones, clays and benningtons.... some old and some new - mix is beautiful... Don Top Row Bottom Row
  8. Somebody say what a horseshoe catseye is? Enjoy Don
  9. I like the 43/44 hole ones like you have - have several around here. Don
  10. It was a small chain of restaurants/bars in Arizona area is what I remember. Went under. I have a matchbook, ashtray and large pot (actually 2 or 3 of those). Don
  11. Here are a few more examples from this type of run - not mine but from an Ebay auction that got out of hand in bidding! Don
  12. Odd but colorful - probably 1970s? Don
  13. Here is a Jabo Lutz from Joker III run that I got in a recent lot I bought, totally unexpected. Five pictures of same marble. What a beauty! Don
  14. I beleive the Peltier Peewees had multiple uses, they were used in old games (I have seen and bought several different vintage games that have the peewees in it), they were used to amke the jewelry pieces and also sold in craft stores ( I once bouight a box of about 400 Peltier peewees from a person who said they came out of Aunt's old closed craft store), and they were even sold to laboratories as at an Indiana show in 2002 I saw a box full of them in an original box from Peltier company with shipping label to a laboratory(probably for packing of distillation columns and as boiling beads in flasks). I imagine they were also sold for other industrial uses as I found a small Peltier in a water valve (which I gave to a great Peltier collector (Guy). Here are a few of my jewelry pieces I have shown before - didn't look close enough and realize this was a bracelet or I might have bid :-). I did see it.... Don
  15. Only my opinion. Don Best marbles are # 596 (unglazed china),594 (crockery), and 514 (glazed china). #597 is also an old marble - believe this is what is called a "Jasper" a stone marble. None of these are really valuable. The crockery looks real nice ($5-20) and #514 looks nice condition and probably highest value ($10-25). Rest of marbles are less than $1 to no value: 609) Game marble 608) game marbles 607) Vitro Agate Allred (maybe hybrid) 606) Clearie 605) Marble King Catseye 604) Marble King catsye 603) Catseyes - Peltier banana in middle 602) Vitro Agate Allreds 601) St Marys Alley Agate - 1950s 600) Vitro Agate or another company patch 599) Vitro Agate or Peltier patch 598) Peltier Clear Rainbo type 595) Alley Agate swirl 1940s (better marble) 593) Solid black - unknown maker 592) Clearie - unknown maker 591) Oilies - post 1980s - used in spray cans etc' 590) New marble - probbaly same as above 589) New marble - probbaly same as above 588) Akro Agate corkscrews 1930s (better value) 610) Unknown
  16. Here is a group that came in from an Ebay buy today. Most I have ever had togther, probably a bag full. Neat colors and for me hard to find in any quantity. Lots of pics for ID. Don
  17. Found this one on Ebay - don't see many of these. Not labeled as Whities but that is what is in it, type that some used to believe were Peltiers. Don
  18. Now I thought tankgirl had come back to life on boards! Hey Chris! Don
  19. Here is a fwew of mine - courtesy of Duffytrash via Nancy Frier originally. Don
  20. Hey Jack here's one I have or had - not sure if I still have it! Don
  21. Seems there was a topic last year over whether the older Indian bags were Master Made. I won this on Ebay becasue it kind of answers that question. On back of Worlds fair bag is the Indian print. Came from a seller of Worlds fair Items. Don
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