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Everything posted by bumblebee

  1. HOS.COM - space music! I listen to about three shows on an average week day.
  2. If it's any consolation, I promise not to outbid anyone. Heck, I won't even bid if it makes you feel better.
  3. Wow, this is how I picture marbles in heaven with perfect resurrected bodies. No flaws. Maybe jeroen is posting from a higher altitude?
  4. I take it the CAC heads are silent due to OpSec. Of course a wise counter-intelligence move would be to spread doubt as to these marbles so as to scare of the deep pockets.
  5. I'm getting a strange vibe from these, particularly the striped opaques: http://www.ebay.com/...=p2047675.l2562 Maybe my vibe is envy? Or is it just the quality of the photos throwing things off? If so he's not doing them justice.
  6. I would much prefer this style in Jabo colors over the spaghetti chaos swirls, but on second thought the last thing we need is more Jabos in the Pre-1970 category on eBay.
  7. I've come up with a new name for this mib: Fried Egg Green Guinea Rainbo Multi-Color Swirl
  8. Strange. It looks like a heavily polished Pelt christmas tree.
  9. It's no wonder that color is rare. I doubt many boys in those days were proudly hoisting forth a handful of pink Bennies, crying, "Who wants to play for keeps?"
  10. Hmmm...that fried egg definitely has a guinea spot look to it. It's definitely a neater marble now. I'm still on the fence, not being a CAC guy, so I'll hold my tongue. Anyone else care to chime in now that the egg has fried?
  11. Ultimately what we're protesting here is not P.T. Barnum but the suckers born every minute who buy this junk.
  12. Here's my Pelt green guinea. I way overpaid $10 for this in Las Vegas! But it's wet mint with no blow holes or stretch marks.
  13. He put them in Pre-1970 Machine Made, then noted "Exact Mfg Date Unknown"
  14. Pelt MCS colors--red,white,blue--in the exact same order as Pelt. Not one guinea spot.
  15. Do you have a link to the new photos? I went to the site and the photos look exactly the same.
  16. It will be interesting to see the new photos and whether they contain guinea spots. For now my money is on Pelt.
  17. Ever since I watched that show I would fantasize about finding the ultimate mibster storage locker. A case of World's Best Guinea's, some walnut brag boxes filled with 7/8" Pelt NLRs....gun cases filled with giant handmades. The tormenting thing is, you know that somewhere out there those exist.
  18. But if you think about it, a clever way to salvage heavily damaged mibs by making them into fruit.
  19. With all due respect to CAC superfans, I find this extremely rare green based guinea to look a lot like many a messed up Pelt rainbo I've sorted through without a second thought: http://morphyauctions.auctionflex.com/showlot.ap?co=31120&weid=31141&weiid=11256680&archive=n&keyword=marbles&lso=pricedesc&pagenum=1〈=En On the other hand there are some CACs in there I would spend unhealthy amounts of money on if I hadn't already spent that money on other things.
  20. Wow, can't believe it has been a year. He will be missed for a long time. Here's a large full screen shot of his final auction (1mb picture warning): http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/2325/marblealanlastauction.png
  21. You'd think people rich enough to afford wasting money on fakes could afford educating themselves by purchasing real ones.
  22. Ouch that's a lot of money. I thought it was clever that the seller put the item condition field as New. He also sold this "new" marble AS IS, which is also interesting. Here's one Scott Patrck that sold for $25 recently: http://www.ebay.com/...=p2047675.l2557
  23. I actually thought those were fun and unique, but the shipping scared me, particularly imagining the nightmare if they got busted during transit.
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