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Everything posted by ann

  1. LOL. I know what you mean. My father was an LP gas man and general carpenter, and my mother was a schoolteacher and a gardener. I learned "plumb" from Daddy and "Plum" from Mama, and had no leeway at all!
  2. ann

    More Name Games

    Going by Paul Baumann's definition (which I do) a maypole has only 1 to 3 or 4 threads of color (most often white, sometimes with a yellow) -- not "streamers" like you show. He does show a couple like yours (although I think those had single-color ribbons) that he describes as "streamers." Also that they're not usual. Yours could almost be called "cased coreless swirls." They're nice. The second one looks like the deco is on 2 levels, too -- I like 'em.
  3. I think the tree name is Plum, not Plumb.
  4. I've studied Sung Dynasty ceramics and other things of the period (many years ago) but don't remember even a mention of glass. I kinda doubt it's Sung, but the Sung were very ceramic-focused, and glazes are related . . . let me burrow around a little.
  5. OK. Send me (1) the 3rd from the left, top row, the insane Xmas tree, (2) bottom left, the insane dragon, and (3) next to it, the insane rebel. Thanks, Ann
  6. So do I. So far, the results are not really what I expected, which is interesting - - -
  7. Under "other," it was hard to just pick one . . .
  8. More like getting towards the end of the cane, where some (but not all) of the colored rods have ended. I have a couple of joseph-coats that do the same thing. I like them -- somehow the contrast of the colorless transparent base punches up the colors, or something . . .
  9. It surely does. Nice colors too.
  10. More pics of the ribbon one, please!
  11. David is right on both counts -- Castle & Peterson's 1998 book is the one and only, to date, and David's additional cat's-eye information (at MM or AAM) is the only real update I've seen. Good pics, too.
  12. The few I've tried, I only used warm running water and a soft toothbrush. It didn't look like it did much on the first one I tried, but once it air-dried, it made a pretty big difference . . . went from something I hoped might be a very faded pinwheel to being a somewhat faded but nice and distinct pinwheel. Haven't had a dramatic before-and-after since, but the others have all benefitted -- including an unglazed white / blue / green jasper. Don't know what anything else might do . . . Nice avatar, Bob!
  13. There's a dark purple / yellow / white and a light purple / yellow / white -- don't know which is more usual. Since mine is light, I'll say light!
  14. Week, hell, at 50 I started celebrating my birth MONTH.
  15. Now THERE"S a remelt I like (the slag!). And I been starin' at that new avatar, Chordus . . .
  16. I loved my mother, but she threw everything away, all the time, even photos. Drove me nuts. Do you know how much I had to pay 40 years later to reclaim my Hopalong Cassidy Lunch Milk Glass??? Never have found my Britain's mounted horse guard regiment . . . [mutter] Pretty sure that's a nice old melon ball. Good mom!
  17. Winnie's still killin' me with those wirepulls, whether they're wirepulls or not . . .
  18. What a nightmare! Wait. Let me go look out in the yard.
  19. Happy Birthday Edna -- sorry I missed the whole thing!
  20. A cruel friend sent me the patty cake one at work today and I had a hard time explaining (1) why I was wearing earphones to start with and (2) why I suddenly started laughing hysterically, with tears and snorting and all.
  21. Me too. A melon ball. I like 'em but I don't have any myself. Do some fluoresce?
  22. Eeeeeeeee . . . have you seen any of Doug Ferguson's "alien egg" (or sometimes "hatched alien egg") marbles?
  23. Sunshine for sale? Boy, that lead-in gave me a flashback to the late '60s for a minute there . . .
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