Kinda hate to step into this mess, but I'm sorry -- I really take exception to the constantly-repeated notion that Jabo collectors aren't likely to have good vintage collections and vice versa. I am both, and have both, plus a good collection of antique mibs -- glass and non-glass [and in case you're wondering what I mean by good, I mean that in the antique glass category I have, for example, a number of rare latticinios, including blue, most in mint condition, damnit]. And I am very tired of the notion that if you don't have boxes of Christian Agate flames, guineas, and cobras lying around, you're not a serious collector, and/or don't know what you're talking about. Keep at it if you wish, but I would suggest -- as many others have -- that it is an attitude that is in-and-of-itself inflammatory, and when it is introduced over and over again, from thread to thread to thread, it can only be intentional.