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Everything posted by ann

  1. Where's my lizard? Didn't someone say we'd get a lizard if . . . huh? Why should I shush? I WANT MY LIZZARD! Nice Frosted Flakes.
  2. Not just the books . . . I've seen at least one original box that carried the misspelling "Persion," and some of the books have repeated it . . .
  3. Don't know whether to feel admiration. envy, lust, or suicidal . . . Maybe I could get over it if you sent me one of them, just one, a teeny tiny one . . .
  4. If I had the money, I sure would . . .
  5. That's what I was thinking -- they usually just have more (or deeper) blue . . .
  6. He's a reputable dealer, but his specialty seems to primarily be antique mibs. Don't think I'd take a flyer on this one either . . .
  7. Feeling uncomfortably vintage myself, today . . .
  8. Ooooops. Didn't know irony was frowned on here. Now that I think about it, though, I should have known it - - - David Chamberlain has complained about it before. Hi David! Just you and me now, pal . . .
  9. Point out the twisty parts to me and I'll try to clarify.
  10. Sorry, really liked this post, wanted everybody to look at it again!
  11. Yes, it's listed properly, but it doesn't look Akro to me. Maybe an infant collector could mistake it for one, but infant collectors shouldn't be buying hundred-dollar marbles. If they are, well . . . it's on them. Sorry. Just MHO.
  12. Oh. And by the way. I don't think they are. IMO.
  13. Kinda hate to step into this mess, but I'm sorry -- I really take exception to the constantly-repeated notion that Jabo collectors aren't likely to have good vintage collections and vice versa. I am both, and have both, plus a good collection of antique mibs -- glass and non-glass [and in case you're wondering what I mean by good, I mean that in the antique glass category I have, for example, a number of rare latticinios, including blue, most in mint condition, damnit]. And I am very tired of the notion that if you don't have boxes of Christian Agate flames, guineas, and cobras lying around, you're not a serious collector, and/or don't know what you're talking about. Keep at it if you wish, but I would suggest -- as many others have -- that it is an attitude that is in-and-of-itself inflammatory, and when it is introduced over and over again, from thread to thread to thread, it can only be intentional.
  14. Mail them to me and I'll keep them for you . . .
  15. You forgot pork belly futures. Or is that only a big thing here in Chicago?
  16. It would look better in mine.
  17. Just confirming that I've heard the same thing -- the size (1") and maybe some new chemicals . . . experimental
  18. I'm sorry David, I don't have time for that kind of exam, I'm busy trying to get out of this weird jacket some people put on me.
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